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3 Weeks - Weekly Logs - Training-Refueling - Just a Log of Logs - Logging

- Just a Log Weekly Logs - Logging of Training and Refueling -

3 Weeks - Weekly Logs - Training-Refueling - Just a Log of Logs - Logging

February-March - Just Logs of Weekly Logs - Logging of Training and Refueling

(3 Weeks - Weekly Logs: February 25th-March 2nd / March 3rd-9th / March 10th-16th)

Weekly Log - March 10th-March 16th - Training and Refueling -

  • Workout Week: 0 Rest Days - 3 Hiking Days - 4 Training Days
  • Trained: High-Intensity: Strength-Muscles: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday
  • Hiked-Hooped: Relaxed-Intensity: Heart-Health: Sunday, Thursday, Saturday

Saturday - Fitness Log: Hiking and Hooping - Cardio Day
Type of Hike: Pole Hiking - Endurance: Relaxed-Meditative
Notes: I used two trekking poles, one in each hand for a full-body workout.
- One Hiking Session: Afternoon-Sunset Hiking in Nature -
Hula Hooping: After Hiking - Outdoor Hooping Session
Type of Hooping: Full Body - Endurance: Relaxed-Fun
Notes: weighted large hoops and small lighter hoops.

Saturday - Refueling Food Log - Day 92 of Bulk Diet
Before Hiking-Hooping: Sunrise-Noon
Sunrise: Coffee (black coffee), Tea (herbal teas)
Meal: eggs, cow cheese, cow milk, honey
Noon: bananas (before training carbs)
After Hiking-Hooping Refueling: Sunset-Evening
Hydration: orange juice (added: salt, water)
Snack: beef jerky and mixed dried fruit
Meal: Homemade: Baked Salmon with Sweet Potatoes
- oven baked: salmon and sweet potatoes with garlic-butter-herbs
Protein: just a beefsteak
- extra protein meal - broiled-grilled -
Snack: almond and cherry cookies, drank goat milk
- almond butter, coconut flour, honey, eggs, butter, almonds, cherries

Friday - Fitness Log: Strength Training Day
Caroline-DAY and Tracy-DAY Mix:
Starter: Workouts / /
Note: created own routine using CG workouts as a training guide template.
- Full Body: Dumbbells (variety of exercises)
- Full Body: Barbells (variety of exercises)
Heavy Weights: dumbbells, barbells, bench, stability ball, bodyweight -
Notes: Full-body with dumbbells and barbells.
Finisher: Workouts /
Note: created own routine using TA workouts as a training guide template.
- Full-Body: Muscular Structure: Class: Intermediate -
Light Weights: dumbbells, ankle weights, stick, bands, bodyweight -
Notes: Full-body - design work - tone-strength session.

Friday - Refueling Food Log - Day 91 of Bulk Diet
Before Training: Sunrise-Noon
Sunrise: Coffee (black coffee), Tea (herbal teas)
Meal: eggs, cow cheese, cow milk, honey
Noon: bananas (before training carbs)
After Training Refueling: Sunset-Evening
Snack: beef jerky and mixed dried fruit
Meal: Homemade: Ground Chicken with Pasta, Broccoli, Cheese
- ground chicken, herbs-butter, broccoli, cheese, pasta
Protein: just a beefsteak
- extra protein meal - broiled-grilled -
Snack: almond and cherry cookies, drank goat milk
- almond butter, coconut flour, honey, eggs, butter, almonds, cherries

Thursday - Fitness Log: Hiking and Hooping - Cardio Day
Type of Hike: Pole Hiking - Endurance: Relaxed-Meditative
Notes: I used two trekking poles, one in each hand for a full-body workout.
- One Hiking Session: Afternoon-Sunset Hiking in Nature -
Hula Hooping: After Hiking - Outdoor Hooping Session
Type of Hooping: Full Body - Endurance: Relaxed-Fun
Notes: weighted large hoops and small lighter hoops.

Thursday - Refueling Food Log - Day 90 of Bulk Diet
Before Hiking-Hooping: Sunrise-Noon
Sunrise: Coffee (black coffee), Tea (herbal teas)
Meal: eggs, cow cheese, cow milk, honey
Noon: black licorice - organic candy (before training carbs)
After Hiking-Hooping Refueling: Sunset-Evening
Hydration: orange juice (added: salt, water)
Snack: beef jerky and mixed dried fruit
Meal: Homemade: Chicken Gizzards Pizza
- leftover chicken gizzards, butter bread dough crust, veggies-herbs, goat cheese
Protein: just a beefsteak
- extra protein meal - broiled-grilled -
Snack: almond and cherry cookies, drank goat milk
- almond butter, coconut flour, honey, eggs, butter, almonds, cherries

Wednesday - Fitness Log: Strength Training Day
Caroline-DAY and Tracy-DAY Mix:
Starter: Workouts / /
Note: created own routine using CG workouts as a training guide template.
- Lower: Squats-Deadlifts+Good-Mornings (heavy-barbell-sets)
- Upper: Shoulders (heavy-barbell/dumbbells-seated)
- Middle: Abs-Core (bodyweight)
- Lower: Squats-Deadlifts+Split-Squats (lighter-dumbbells-sets)
- Upper: Shoulders (light-dumbbells-bodyweight-standing)
- Middle: Abs-Core (dumbbell)
- Lower: Squats-Deadlifts+Wall-Sits (bodyweight-wall)
- Upper: Shoulder Push Ups and Handstands (I created exercise combo)
Heavy Weights: dumbbells, barbell, bench, bodyweight -
Notes: Theme - adding similar or same exercises - different equipment.
Finisher: Workouts /
Note: created own routine using TA workouts as a training guide template.
- Full-Body: Muscular Structure: Class: Intermediate -
Light Weights: dumbbells, ankle weights, stick, bands, bodyweight -
Notes: Full-body - design work - tone-strength session.

Wednesday - Refueling Food Log - Day 89 of Bulk Diet
Before Training: Sunrise-Noon
Sunrise: Coffee (black coffee), Tea (herbal teas)
Meal: eggs, cow cheese, cow milk, honey
Noon: black licorice - organic candy (before training carbs)
After Training Refueling: Sunset-Evening
Hydration: orange juice (added: salt, water)
Snack: beef jerky and mixed dried fruit
Meal: Homemade: Gizzards, Rice, and Stir Fry Veggies-Herbs
- chicken gizzards, veggies-herbs, butter, white rice, goat cheese
Protein: just a beefsteak
- extra protein meal - broiled-grilled -
Snack: almond and cherry cookies, drank goat milk
- almond butter, coconut flour, honey, eggs, butter, almonds, cherries

Tuesday - Fitness Log: Strength Training Day
Caroline-DAY and Tracy-DAY Mix:
Starter: Workouts / /
Note: created own routine using CG workouts as a training guide template.
- Lower: Glutes-Hip-Thrusts (heavy-barbell-sets)
- Upper: Back-Biceps (heavy-dumbbell: single rows-curls)
- Middle: Core (variety of floor exercises:)
- Lower: Glutes-Hip-Thrusts (lighter-dumbbell-bands)
- Upper: Back-Biceps (lighter-barbell: double rows-curls)
- Middle: Core (variety of ball exercises+glutes-hamstrings on ball)
- Lower: Glutes-Hip-Thrusts+Glute-Bridges (bodyweight)
- Upper: Pull Ups (neutral grip: back/biceps themed exercises)
Heavy Weights: dumbbells, bands, barbell, stability ball, bar -
Notes: Theme - adding similar or same exercises - different equipment.
Finisher: Workouts /
Note: created own routine using TA workouts as a training guide template.
- Full-Body: Muscular Structure: Class: Intermediate -
Light Weights: dumbbells, ankle weights, stick, bands, bodyweight -
Notes: Full-body - design work - tone-strength session.

Tuesday - Refueling Food Log - Day 88 of Bulk Diet
Before Training: Sunrise-Noon
Sunrise: Coffee (black coffee), Tea (herbal teas)
Meal: eggs, cow cheese, cow milk, honey
Noon: black licorice - organic candy (before training carbs)
After Training Refueling: Sunset-Evening
Hydration: orange juice (added: salt, water)
Snack: salmon jerky, beef jerky and mixed dried fruit
Meal: Homemade: Chicken Pizza
- leftover chicken, butter bread dough crust, veggies-herbs, tomatoes, cheese
Protein: just a beefsteak
- extra protein meal - broiled-grilled -
Snack: peanut butter and honey sandwich, drank cow milk

Monday - Fitness Log: Strength Training Day
Caroline-DAY and Tracy-DAY Mix:
Starter: Workouts / /
Note: created own routine using CG workouts as a training guide template.
- Lower: Legs-Lunges (variety of barbell lunges)
- Upper: Chest-Triceps (dumbbells: incline bench)
- Middle: Abs-Crunches-Etc (exercises: floor)
- Lower: Legs-Lunges (variety of dumbbell lunges)
- Upper: Chest-Triceps (flat bench: chest: barbell, triceps: dumbbell)
- Middle: Abs-Crunches-Etc (exercises: ball)
- Lower: Legs-Lunges+Step-Ups (variety of bodyweight-box)
- Upper: Dip Bars (dips: triceps/chest themed exercises)
Heavy Weights: dumbbells, bench, box, barbell, stability ball, bars -
Notes: Theme - adding similar or same exercises - different equipment.
Finisher: Workouts /
Note: created own routine using TA workouts as a training guide template.
- Full-Body: Muscular Structure: Class: Intermediate -
Light Weights: dumbbells, ankle weights, stick, bands, bodyweight
Notes: Full-body - design work - tone-strength session.

Monday - Refueling Food Log - Day 87 of Bulk Diet
Before Training: Sunrise-Noon
Sunrise: Coffee (black coffee), Tea (herbal teas)
Meal: eggs, cow cheese, cow milk, honey
Noon: black licorice - organic candy (before training carbs)
After Training Refueling: Sunset-Evening
Hydration: orange juice (added: salt, water)
Snack: salmon jerky, beef jerky and mixed dried fruit
Meal: Homemade: Sardine Sandwiches
- Can: sardines, grilled bread, garlic-honey-mayo, peppers, onion, pickles
Protein: just a beefsteak
- extra protein meal - broiled-grilled -
Snack: peanut butter and honey sandwich, drank cow milk

Sunday - Fitness Log: Hiking and Hooping - Cardio Day
Type of Hike: Pole Hiking - Endurance: Relaxed-Meditative
Notes: I used two trekking poles, one in each hand for a full-body workout.
- One Hiking Session: Afternoon-Sunset Hiking in Nature -
Hula Hooping: After Hiking - Outdoor Hooping Session
Type of Hooping: Full Body - Endurance: Relaxed-Fun
Notes: weighted large hoops and small lighter hoops.

Sunday - Refueling Food Log - Day 86 of Bulk Diet
Before Hiking-Hooping: Sunrise-Noon
Sunrise: Coffee (black coffee), Tea (herbal teas)
Meal: eggs, cow cheese, cow milk, honey
Noon: black licorice - organic candy (before training carbs)
After Hiking-Hooping Refueling: Sunset-Evening
Hydration: orange juice (added: salt, water)
Snack: salmon jerky, beef jerky and mixed dried fruit
Meal: Homemade: Buttery Chicken with Carrots and Red Potatoes
- chicken thighs, carrots, and red potatoes - all slow cooked in butter
Snack: peanut butter and honey sandwich, drank cow milk

Weekly Log - March 3rd-March 9th - Training and Refueling -

  • Workout Week: 0 Rest Days - 3 Hiking-Hooping Days - 4 Training Days
  • Trained: High-Intensity: Strength-Muscles: Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday
  • Hiked-Hooped: Relaxed-Intensity: Heart-Health: Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Saturday - Fitness Log: Strength Training Day
Caroline-DAY and Tracy-DAY Mix:
Starter: Workouts / /
Note: created own routine using CG workouts as a training guide template.
- Full Body: Dumbbells (variety of exercises)
- Full Body: Barbells (variety of exercises)
Heavy Weights: dumbbells, barbells, bench, stability ball, bodyweight -
Notes: Full-body with dumbbells and barbells.
Finisher: Workouts /
Note: created own routine using TA workouts as a training guide template.
- Full-Body: Muscular Structure: Class: Intermediate -
Light Weights: dumbbells, ankle weights, stick, bands, bodyweight -
Notes: Full-body - design work - tone-strength session.

Saturday - Refueling Food Log - Day 85 of Bulk Diet
Before Training: Sunrise-Noon
Sunrise: Coffee (black coffee), Tea (herbal teas)
Meal: eggs, cow cheese, cow milk, honey
Noon: bananas (before training carbs)
After Training Refueling: Sunset-Evening
Hydration: orange juice (added: salt, water)
Snack: salmon jerky, beef jerky and mixed dried fruit
Meal: Homemade: Seafood and Veggies Stir Fry with Rice
- shrimp-crab-clams, butter, veggies-herbs, coconut oil, white rice
Snack: peanut butter and honey sandwich, drank cow milk

Friday - Fitness Log: Hiking and Hooping - Cardio Day
Type of Hike: Pole Hiking - Endurance: Relaxed-Meditative
Notes: I used two trekking poles, one in each hand for a full-body workout.
- One Hiking Session: Afternoon-Sunset Hiking in Nature -
Hula Hooping: After Hiking - Outdoor Hooping Session
Type of Hooping: Full Body - Endurance: Relaxed-Fun
Notes: weighted large hoops and small lighter hoops.

Friday - Refueling Food Log - Day 84 of Bulk Diet
Before Hiking-Hooping: Sunrise-Noon
Sunrise: Coffee (black coffee), Tea (herbal teas)
Meal: eggs, cow cheese, cow milk, honey
Noon: bananas (before hiking carbs)
After Hiking-Hooping Refueling: Sunset-Evening
Hydration: orange juice (added: salt, water)
Snack: salmon jerky, beef jerky and mixed dried fruit
Meal: Homemade: Ground Beef and Veggies Stir Fry with Rice
- beef, butter, veggies-herbs, coconut oil, white rice
Snack: peanut butter and honey sandwich, drank cow milk

Thursday - Fitness Log: Strength Training Day
Caroline-DAY and Tracy-DAY Mix:
Starter: Workouts / /
Note: created own routine using CG workouts as a training guide template.
- Lower: Squats-Deadlifts+Good-Mornings (heavy-barbell-sets)
- Upper: Shoulders (heavy-barbell/dumbbells-seated)
- Middle: Abs-Core (bodyweight)
- Lower: Squats-Deadlifts+Split-Squats (lighter-dumbbells-sets)
- Upper: Shoulders (light-dumbbells-bodyweight-standing)
- Middle: Abs-Core (dumbbell)
- Lower: Squats-Deadlifts+Wall-Sits (bodyweight-wall)
- Upper: Shoulder Push Ups and Handstands (I created exercise combo)
Heavy Weights: dumbbells, barbell, bench, bodyweight -
Notes: Theme - adding similar or same exercises - different equipment.
Finisher: Workouts /
Note: created own routine using TA workouts as a training guide template.
- Full-Body: Muscular Structure: Class: Intermediate -
Light Weights: dumbbells, ankle weights, stick, bands, bodyweight -
Notes: Full-body - design work - tone-strength session.

Thursday - Refueling Food Log - Day 83 of Bulk Diet
Before Training: Sunrise-Noon
Sunrise: Coffee (black coffee), Tea (herbal teas)
Meal: eggs, cow cheese, cow milk, honey
Noon: bananas (before training carbs)
After Training Refueling: Sunset-Evening
Hydration: orange juice (added: salt, water)
Snack: salmon jerky, beef jerky and mixed dried fruit
Meal: Homemade: Grilled Pork Steaks and Sweet Potato Fries
- meat: seasonings - potatoes: sliced oven-baked with coconut oil
Snack: chocolate almond cake, drank cow milk
- almond flour, cocoa powder, brown sugar, salted butter, eggs, almonds

Wednesday - Fitness Log: Hiking and Hooping - Cardio Day
Type of Hike: Pole Hiking - Endurance: Relaxed-Meditative
Notes: I used two trekking poles, one in each hand for a full-body workout.
- One Hiking Session: Afternoon-Sunset Hiking in Nature -
Hula Hooping: After Hiking - Outdoor Hooping Session
Type of Hooping: Full Body - Endurance: Relaxed-Fun
Notes: weighted large hoops and small lighter hoops.

Wednesday - Refueling Food Log - Day 82 of Bulk Diet
Before Hiking-Hooping: Sunrise-Noon
Sunrise: Coffee (black coffee), Tea (herbal teas)
Meal: eggs, cow cheese, cow milk, honey
Noon: bananas (before hiking carbs)
After Hiking-Hooping Refueling: Sunset-Evening
Hydration: orange juice (added: salt, water)
Snack: salmon jerky, beef jerky and mixed dried fruit
Meal: Homemade: Alaskan Pollock Fish and Egg Roll Dumplings
- frozen fish, egg roll wrappers into dumplings, all slow cooked in salted butter
Protein: just a beefsteak
- extra protein meal - broiled-grilled -
Snack: chocolate almond cake, drank cow milk
- almond flour, cocoa powder, brown sugar, salted butter, eggs, almonds

Tuesday - Fitness Log: Strength Training Day
Caroline-DAY and Tracy-DAY Mix:
Starter: Workouts / /
Note: created own routine using CG workouts as a training guide template.
- Lower: Glutes-Hip-Thrusts (heavy-barbell-sets)
- Upper: Back-Biceps (heavy-dumbbell: single rows-curls)
- Middle: Core (variety of floor exercises:)
- Lower: Glutes-Hip-Thrusts (lighter-dumbbell-bands)
- Upper: Back-Biceps (lighter-barbell: double rows-curls)
- Middle: Core (variety of ball exercises+glutes-hamstrings on ball)
- Lower: Glutes-Hip-Thrusts+Glute-Bridges (bodyweight)
- Upper: Pull Ups (neutral grip: back/biceps themed exercises)
Heavy Weights: dumbbells, bands, barbell, stability ball, bar -
Notes: Theme - adding similar or same exercises - different equipment.
Finisher: Workouts /
Note: created own routine using TA workouts as a training guide template.
- Full-Body: Muscular Structure: Class: Intermediate -
Light Weights: dumbbells, ankle weights, stick, bands, bodyweight -
Notes: Full-body - design work - tone-strength session.

Tuesday - Refueling Food Log - Day 81 of Bulk Diet
Before Training: Sunrise-Noon
Sunrise: Coffee (black coffee), Tea (herbal teas)
Meal: eggs, cow cheese, cow milk, honey
Noon: bananas (before training carbs)
After Training Refueling: Sunset-Evening
Hydration: orange juice (added: salt, water)
Snack: salmon jerky, beef jerky and mixed dried fruit
Meal: breaded chicken strips sandwich
- chicken, bread, avocado-sour-cream, cilantro, sweet salsa
Protein: just a beefsteak
- extra protein meal - broiled-grilled -
Snack: chocolate almond cake, drank cow milk
- almond flour, cocoa powder, brown sugar, salted butter, eggs, almonds

Monday - Fitness Log: Hiking and Hooping - Cardio Day
Type of Hike: Pole Hiking - Endurance: Relaxed-Meditative
Notes: I used two trekking poles, one in each hand for a full-body workout.
- One Hiking Session: Afternoon-Sunset Hiking in Nature -
Hula Hooping: After Hiking - Outdoor Hooping Session
Type of Hooping: Full Body - Endurance: Relaxed-Fun
Notes: weighted large hoops and small lighter hoops.

Monday - Refueling Food Log - Day 80 of Bulk Diet
Before Hiking-Hooping: Sunrise-Noon
Sunrise: Coffee (black coffee), Tea (herbal teas)
Meal: eggs, cow cheese, cow milk, honey
Noon: bananas (before hiking carbs)
After Hiking-Hooping Refueling: Sunset-Evening
Hydration: orange juice (added: salt, water)
Snack: salmon jerky, beef jerky and mixed dried fruit
Meal: Homemade: Beef Burgers
- ground beef, bread, avocado, tomato, onion, pickles
Protein: just a chicken breast and coconut oil
- extra protein meal - pan-cooked with coconut oil
Snack: peanut butter and honey cookies, drank cow milk
- peanut butter, coconut flour, honey, eggs, butter

Sunday - Fitness Log: Strength Training Day
Caroline-DAY and Tracy-DAY Mix:
Starter: Workouts / /
Note: created own routine using CG workouts as a training guide template.
- Lower: Legs-Lunges (variety of barbell lunges)
- Upper: Chest-Triceps (dumbbells: incline bench)
- Middle: Abs-Crunches-Etc (exercises: floor)
- Lower: Legs-Lunges (variety of dumbbell lunges)
- Upper: Chest-Triceps (flat bench: chest: barbell, triceps: dumbbell)
- Middle: Abs-Crunches-Etc (exercises: ball)
- Lower: Legs-Lunges+Step-Ups (variety of bodyweight-box)
- Upper: Dip Bars (dips: triceps/chest themed exercises)
Heavy Weights: dumbbells, bench, box, barbell, stability ball, bars -
Notes: Theme - adding similar or same exercises - different equipment.
Finisher: Workouts /
Note: created own routine using TA workouts as a training guide template.
- Full-Body: Muscular Structure: Class: Intermediate -
Light Weights: dumbbells, ankle weights, stick, bands, bodyweight
Notes: Full-body - design work - tone-strength session.

Sunday - Refueling Food Log - Day 79 of Bulk Diet
Before Training: Sunrise-Noon
Sunrise: Coffee (black coffee), Tea (herbal teas)
Meal: eggs, cow cheese, cow milk, honey
Noon: bananas (before training carbs)
After Training Refueling: Sunset-Evening
Hydration: orange juice (added: salt, water)
Snack: salmon jerky, beef jerky and mixed dried fruit
Meal: Homemade: Egg Rolls - Two Flavors
Flavors: shrimp-veggies-sweet-sour, taco-seasoned-beef-cheese-salsa
- egg roll wrappers, egg rolls cooked on a pan with coconut oil
Protein: just a chicken breast, and coconut oil
- extra protein meal - pan-cooked with coconut oil
Snack: peanut butter and honey cookies, drank cow milk
- peanut butter, coconut flour, honey, eggs, butter

Weekly Log - February 25th-March 2nd - Training and Refueling -

  • Workout Week: 0 Rest Days - 3 Hiking Days - 4 Training Days
  • Trained: High-Intensity: Strength-Muscles: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday
  • Hiked: Relaxed-Intensity: Heart-Health: Sunday, Thursday, Saturday

Saturday - Fitness Log: Just a Hiking Day - Cardio Day
Type of Hike: Pole Hiking - Endurance: Relaxed-Meditative
Notes: I used two trekking poles, one in each hand for a full-body workout.
- One Hiking Session: Afternoon-Sunset Hiking in Nature -

Saturday - Refueling Food Log - Day 78 of Bulk Diet
Before Hiking: Sunrise-Noon
Sunrise: Coffee (black coffee), Tea (herbal teas)
Meal: eggs, cow cheese, cow milk, honey
Noon: bananas (before hiking carbs)
After Hiking Refueling: Sunset-Evening
Hydration: orange juice (added: salt, water)
Snack: beef jerky and mixed dried fruit
Snack: hard-boiled eggs and strawberries
Meal: Homemade: Alaskan Pollock Fish and Veggies with Rice
- fish - lemon-butter, variety of veggies-herbs - coconut-oil, white rice
Snack: Homemade: Minty Chocolate Milk Shake
- cow milk, heavy creamer, honey, - mint: chocolate, extract, raw leaves

Friday - Fitness Log: Strength Training Day
Caroline-DAY and Tracy-DAY Mix:
Starter: Workouts / /
Note: created own routine using CG workouts as a training guide template.
- Full Body: Calisthenics (bands-bodyweight)
Bodyweight: bands and bodyweight theme -
Notes: One Hour - full body session with bands.
Finisher: Workouts /
Note: created own routine using TA workouts as a training guide template.
- Full Body: Muscular Structure Mode: Bands
Bodyweight: bands and bodyweight theme -
Notes: One Hour of full-body design work with bands.

Friday - Refueling Food Log - Day 76 of Bulk Diet
Before Training: Sunrise-Noon
Sunrise: Coffee (black coffee), Tea (herbal teas)
Meal: eggs, cow cheese, cow milk, honey
Noon: bananas (before training carbs)
After Training Refueling: Sunset-Evening
Hydration: orange juice (added: salt, water)
Snack: beef jerky and mixed dried fruit
Snack: avocado, cucumbers, and pickled herring (fish)
Meal: Homemade: Ground Beef and Red Potatoes
- potatoes boiled then added with beef fried in pan, salt, white pepper
Snack: organic chocolate brownie, drank cow milk

Thursday - Fitness Log: Just a Hiking Day - Cardio Day
Type of Hike: Pole Hiking - Endurance: Relaxed-Meditative
Notes: I used two trekking poles, one in each hand for a full-body workout.
- One Hiking Session: Afternoon-Sunset Hiking in Nature -

Thursday - Refueling Food Log - Day 75 of Bulk Diet
Before Hiking: Sunrise-Noon
Sunrise: Coffee (black coffee), Tea (herbal teas)
Meal: eggs, cow cheese, cow milk, honey
Noon: bananas (before hiking carbs)
After Hiking Refueling: Sunset-Evening
Hydration: orange juice (added: salt, water)
Snack: beef jerky and mixed dried fruit
Meal: Homemade: Seafood - Macaroni and Cheese
- shrimp-crab-clams, pasta, cheeses, garlic-butter, heavy cream
Snack: peanut butter and honey sandwich, drank cow milk

Wednesday - Fitness Log: Strength Training Day
Caroline-DAY and Tracy-DAY Mix:
Starter: Workouts / /
Note: created own routine using CG workouts as a training guide template.
- Lower: Squats-Deadlifts+Good-Mornings (heavy-barbell-sets)
- Upper: Shoulders (heavy-barbell/dumbbells-seated)
- Middle: Abs-Core (bodyweight)
- Lower: Squats-Deadlifts+Split-Squats (lighter-dumbbells-sets)
- Upper: Shoulders (light-dumbbells-bodyweight-standing)
- Middle: Abs-Core (dumbbell)
- Lower: Squats-Deadlifts+Wall-Sits (bodyweight-wall)
- Upper: Shoulder Push Ups and Handstands (I created exercise combo)
Heavy Weights: dumbbells, barbell, bench, bodyweight -
Notes: Theme - adding similar or same exercises - different equipment.
Finisher: Workouts /
Note: created own routine using TA workouts as a training guide template.
- Full-Body: Muscular Structure: Class: Intermediate -
Light Weights: dumbbells, ankle weights, stick, bands, bodyweight -
Notes: Full-body - design work - tone-strength session.

Wednesday - Refueling Food Log - Day 74 of Bulk Diet
Before Training: Sunrise-Noon
Sunrise: Coffee (black coffee), Tea (herbal teas)
Meal: eggs, cow cheese, cow milk, honey
Noon: bananas (before training carbs)
After Training Refueling: Sunset-Evening
Hydration: orange juice (added: salt, water)
Snack: beef jerky and mixed dried fruit
Snack: avocado, cucumbers, and pickled herring (fish)
Meal: Homemade: Grilled Cheese with Tomato Soup
- bread, cheeses, butter, can: tomatoes, jar: salsa
Protein: just a beefsteak -
- extra protein meal - broiled-grilled -
Snack: peanut butter and honey sandwich, drank cow milk

Tuesday - Fitness Log: Strength Training Day
Caroline-DAY and Tracy-DAY Mix:
Starter: Workouts / /
Note: created own routine using CG workouts as a training guide template.
- Lower: Glutes-Hip-Thrusts (heavy-barbell-sets)
- Upper: Back-Biceps (heavy-dumbbell: single rows-curls)
- Middle: Core (variety of floor exercises:)
- Lower: Glutes-Hip-Thrusts (lighter-dumbbell-bands)
- Upper: Back-Biceps (lighter-barbell: double rows-curls)
- Middle: Core (variety of ball exercises+glutes-hamstrings on ball)
- Lower: Glutes-Hip-Thrusts+Glute-Bridges (bodyweight)
- Upper: Pull Ups (neutral grip: back/biceps themed exercises)
Heavy Weights: dumbbells, bands, barbell, stability ball, bar -
Notes: Theme - adding similar or same exercises - different equipment.
Finisher: Workouts /
Note: created own routine using TA workouts as a training guide template.
- Full-Body: Muscular Structure: Class: Intermediate -
Light Weights: dumbbells, ankle weights, stick, bands, bodyweight -
Notes: Full-body - design work - tone-strength session.

Tuesday - Refueling Food Log - Day 73 of Bulk Diet
Before Training: Sunrise-Noon
Sunrise: Coffee (black coffee), Tea (herbal teas)
Meal: eggs, cow cheese, cow milk, honey
Noon: peaches (before training carbs)
After Training Refueling: Sunset-Evening
Hydration: orange juice (added: salt, water)
Snack: beef jerky and mixed dried fruit
Snack: avocado, cucumbers, and pickled herring (fish)
Meal: Homemade: Shrimp Egg Rolls
- shrimp, egg roll wrappers, veggies-herbs, coconut oil
Protein: just a chicken breast and coconut oil
- extra protein meal - pan-cooked with coconut oil
Snack: peanut butter and honey sandwich, drank cow milk

Monday - Fitness Log: Strength Training Day
Caroline-DAY and Tracy-DAY Mix:
Starter: Workouts / /
Note: created own routine using CG workouts as a training guide template.
- Lower: Legs-Lunges (variety of barbell lunges)
- Upper: Chest-Triceps (dumbbells: incline bench)
- Middle: Abs-Crunches-Etc (exercises: floor)
- Lower: Legs-Lunges (variety of dumbbell lunges)
- Upper: Chest-Triceps (flat bench: chest: barbell, triceps: dumbbell)
- Middle: Abs-Crunches-Etc (exercises: ball)
- Lower: Legs-Lunges+Step-Ups (variety of bodyweight-box)
- Upper: Dip Bars (dips: triceps/chest themed exercises)
Heavy Weights: dumbbells, bench, box, barbell, stability ball, bars -
Notes: Theme - adding similar or same exercises - different equipment.
Finisher: Workouts /
Note: created own routine using TA workouts as a training guide template.
- Full-Body: Muscular Structure: Class: Intermediate -
Light Weights: dumbbells, ankle weights, stick, bands, bodyweight -
Notes: Full-body - design work - tone-strength session.

Monday - Refueling Food Log - Day 72 of Bulk Diet
Before Training: Sunrise-Noon
Sunrise: Coffee (black coffee), Tea (herbal teas)
Meal: eggs, cow cheese, cow milk, honey
Noon: bananas (before training carbs)
After Training Refueling: Sunset-Evening
Hydration: orange juice (added: salt, water)
Snack: beef jerky and mixed dried fruit
Meal: Homemade: Grilled Pork Steak Sandwiches
- meat: seasonings - bread, avocado, cilantro, onions
Protein: just a chicken breast and coconut oil
- extra protein meal - pan-cooked with coconut oil
Snack: peanut butter and honey sandwich, drank cow milk

Sunday - Fitness Log: Just a Hiking Day - Cardio Day
Type of Hike: Pole Hiking - Endurance: Relaxed-Meditative
Notes: I used two trekking poles, one in each hand for a full-body workout.
- One Hiking Session: Afternoon-Sunset Hiking in Nature -

Sunday - Refueling Food Log - Day 71 of Bulk Diet
Before Hiking: Sunrise-Noon
Sunrise: Coffee (black coffee), Tea (herbal teas)
Meal: eggs, cow cheese, cow milk, honey
Noon: bananas (before hiking carbs)
After Hiking Refueling: Sunset-Evening
Hydration: orange juice (added: salt, water)
Snack: beef jerky and mixed dried fruit
Meal: Homemade: Grilled Pork Steaks and Sweet Potato Fries
- meat: seasonings - potatoes: sliced oven-baked with coconut oil
Snack: peanut butter and honey sandwich, drank cow milk


My photo
Jami --- Jami Lynn Antella
My name is Jami, a female from Wisconsin (USA). Jami Lynn is my first, middle name, and Antella is my higher self-name. A Libra sign, a dragon Chinese sign, and born on September 24th. I live on a farm living a simple life that loves writing words as a passionate hobby.

I know, not a great blogger or the greatest writer of words but I do love blogging a post in this timeline is a mission. Not trying to influence anybody of anything anymore because everyone has their journey on earth. In the past, was trying to be somebody, but now discovered a more peaceful incarnation by not trying to be someone and just love being part of the human journey, as Jami.