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June Diary Two - Daily Fitness Training and Food Fueling: June 16th-22nd

- Just a Daily-Weekly Fitness Log - Logging of Training and Fueling - June

Just a Daily-Weekly Fitness Log - Logging of Training and Fueling - June

Week of Training / Fueling Log: June 16th-22nd

Thank You: Thankful for the physical human body it is a great tool to travel the earth.


Notes: It was downpouring with rain and mentally was not feeling training even though I physically felt fine. On a mental note, it is as if I needed to rest my mind more than my body or something. Also, it is great to be rested for next week’s training, which is a good thing physically and mentally.

SATURDAY - FUELING - Intuitive FOOD and Instinctive FASTING
Notes: Dry Fasting with Two Eating Windows: Sunrise and Sunset
Sunrise Fueling
- drink: black coffee / herbal teas / orange juice (added water, electrolytes)
- meal: aged cheese (probiotics) / boiled eggs (protein-fat) / raw honey (carbs)
Sunset Fueling
- meal: eggs / pork bacon / toasted bread / strawberry jelly / butter / milk
- drank with meal: Jersey cow milk
- milkshake: strawberry jelly / Jersey cow ice cream (cream-milk, eggs, vanilla, honey)

Notes: It was a sunrise type of meal but at sunset with eggs, bacon, toasted bread with jelly, butter, and milk. My grandparents who used to live in the farmhouse I live in now, which is over one hundred years old, ate that meal every morning with coffee. For some reason was feeling nostalgic for the past with my grandparents now gone, this meal was a reflection of that moment in my life.


Notes: Looking back at this log and realized that for some strange reason, I forgot to train my triceps. I decided on three different tricep exercises and two handgrip versions to trigger different parts of the triceps. Then was feeling a kicks-n-lifts theme for glutes, thighs, and abs. Following a session of biking on the indoor exercise bike, is easy cardio. I walk and lift items throughout the day doing chores of the yard, house, farm, and garden is my other form of daily cardio.

Repeat Twice Training Template: Same Workout x Two
Session 1: Afternoon /rest-chores/ Session 2: Later Afternoon

Triceps Theme: Overhead, Pushdowns, Kickbacks
-- One Minute Work / 2 Exercises / 2 Min Each Exercise
- one-minute /rest/ one-minute /rest/
Triceps - standing - overhead extensions: Medium Dumbbells
- Handgrips: forward grip / reverse grip
Triceps - standing - pushdowns: Bands-Indoor-Gym
- Handgrip: forward grip / reverse grip
Triceps - standing - kickbacks: Medium Dumbbells
- Handgrips: forward grip / reverse grip

Kicks-n-Lifts Theme: Glutes, Thighs, Abs: Bands-Ankle-Weights
-- One Minute Each Side / 2 Min Each Exercise / 2 Exercises
- kicks: right /rest/ left /rest/ lifts: right /rest/ left /rest/
Glutes - standing (using-chair) - donkey kickbacks / lateral-lifts
Glutes - kneeling (on hands-knees) - donkey kickbacks / lateral-lifts
Thighs - standing (using-chair) - inner thigh - lateral-kicks / lateral-lifts
Thighs - lying (on side) - inner thigh - lateral-kicks / lateral-lifts
Abs - standing (straight) - leg lifts - up/down-lifts / lateral-lifts
Abs - lying (on back/side) - leg lifts - up/down-lifts / lateral-lifts

Cardio - Indoor Exercise Bike
Cycle: leg pedaling and arms moving -

FRIDAY- FUELING - Intuitive FOOD and Instinctive FASTING
Notes: Dry Fasting with Two Eating Windows: Sunrise and Sunset
Sunrise Fueling
- drink: black coffee / herbal teas / orange juice (added water, electrolytes)
- meal: aged cheese (probiotics) / boiled eggs (protein-fat) / raw honey (carbs)
Sunset Fueling
- meal: ground-beef-pork / ramen-noodles / salted butter / seasonings
-- seasonings: powdered-spices / dry-herbs-pepper-flakes / brown-sugar
- drink: orange juice (added water, electrolytes)
- milkshake: peaches / Jersey cow ice cream (cream-milk, eggs, vanilla, honey)

Notes: The meal was ground beef and ground pork fried together with a stick of salted butter. Why a stick of butter, it is for flavoring the noodles and meat, the pasta will absorb all that flavor from the butter and meat. When the meat is fully cooked in the same pan, I added uncooked ramen noodles with hot water stir-fried in with powdered spices, dry herbs, pepper flakes, and brown sugar, then cooked again for the flavors to blend and absorb into the meat and pasta.

When eating the meal, in my bowl I added sweet-spicy salsa. The taste reminded me of spaghetti and meatballs but with no balls just loose meat but with ramen noodles. After meal was thirsty, so drank orange juice, and added water with electrolytes. Then a finisher with a happy milkshake with beneficial fats, protein from milk and egg yolks, then energizing carbs from honey and peaches.


Notes: Feeling unilateral training a variety of lower body exercises of one minute set each leg using light dumbbells. Then biceps curls, back rows, shoulder raises of counting reps using heavy dumbbells, and a one-minute set with light dumbbells. Also, planking for core-stability muscles.

-- SESSION ONE -- Afternoon
-- Mix of Counting Reps / One-Minute Sets --

Unilateral Lower Body: Bulgarians, Romanians, Step-Ups -
-- One Minute Each Leg / 2 Min Each Exercise - Light Dumbbells
--- right leg 1 min /rest/ left leg 1 min /rest/ ---
Split Squats Bulgarian / back-foot on bench
Single Leg Romanian Deadlift / balance on one-leg
Single Leg Step-Ups - Unilateral Exercise / step-up-box

Biceps - Standing - Front Classic Curl: Heavy/Light Dumbbells
- heavy counting reps /rest/ light one-minute set /rest/ 4 sets
Handgrip: classic: underhand / overhand - hammer: classic / reverse
Back - Bent Over Rows - Double Row: Heavy/Light Dumbbells
- heavy counting reps /rest/ light one-minute set /rest/ 4 sets
Handgrip: classic: underhand / overhand - hammer: classic / reverse

Core - Planking - stability ball - Arms on Ball
-- high one minute /rest/ low one minute /rest/ --
High Plank - Unilateral - left leg lifts / right leg lifts
Low Plank - Unilateral - left leg lifts / right leg lifts

SESSION TWO -- Before Sunset
-- Mix of Counting Reps / One-Minute Sets --

Unilateral Lower: Hip Thrusts and Glute Bridges with Hamstrings
-- One Minute Each Leg / 2 Min Each Exercise - Light Dumbbells
--- right leg 1 min /rest/ left leg 1 min /rest/ ---
Single Leg - Hip Thrust / head-back on a stability ball
Single Leg - Glute Bridge / one-foot on a stability ball
Single Leg - Hamstring Roll-Out-Raise / one-foot on a stability ball

Biceps - Standing - Wide Classic Curl: Heavy/Light Dumbbells
- counting reps /rest/ one-minute set /rest/ 4 sets
Handgrip: classic: underhand / overhand - hammer: classic / reverse
Shoulders - Bent-Over Raises - Double Lateral Raise: Medium/Light Dumbbells
- counting reps /rest/ one-minute set /rest/ 4 sets
Handgrip: classic: underhand / overhand - hammer: classic / reverse

Core - Planking - stability ball - Legs on Ball
-- high one minute /rest/ low one minute /rest/ --
High Plank - Unilateral - left arm lift / right arm lift
Low Plank - Unilateral - left arm lift / right arm lift

THURSDAY- FUELING - Intuitive FOOD and Instinctive FASTING
Notes: Dry Fasting with Two Eating Windows: Sunrise and Sunset
Sunrise Fueling
- drink: black coffee / herbal teas / orange juice (added water, electrolytes)
- meal: aged cheese (probiotics) / boiled eggs (protein-fat) / raw honey (carbs)
Sunset Fueling
- meal: beef-calf-liver / onions-garlic / salted butter
- snack: pickled beets / pickled herring (fish) / multi-grain crackers
- drink: peach juice (blended peaches, added lots of water, electrolytes)
- milkshake: peaches / Jersey cow ice cream (cream-milk, eggs, vanilla, honey)

Notes: The body needed an iron boost and great food for that is calf liver. I like calf liver better than beef liver it has a sweeter taste and pleasant texture. Also, pickled beets, pickled fish, and for crunch-carbs multi-grain crackers. Also, peach season and are shipped from the south to farmer's markets here in the north. Time to stock up, freeze, bake, juice, and just simply eat the peach.


Notes: Feeling, Tuesdays - Just Farmer Walks Themed Day, a first-time experiment to see what happens. Wow, feeling my legs-quads, glutes-hamstrings, calves, and shoulders-arms. However, feel it the most in the abs. Out of all the exercises, I did in the past the farmer walks work my abs the best. I did a lighter routine so the muscles could recover with body-beneficial movements.

Relax Flow / 1 Session / 1 hour 24 minutes / Before Sunset / Outdoors
Body-Beneficial of Yin Yoga, Chi Tapping, and other Random Relaxed Stretches.
Chi Tapping Standing with Hands-Stick-Tapper: 24 Minutes
-- Tap: face-head / abs-core / arms / legs-glutes / chest-back / shoulders
Yin Yoga Sitting: Variety of Floor Poses and Random Stretches: 1 Hour
--- Long Holding Poses and Stretches of 1 min / 4 min / 8 min
--- Poses: pigeon-dove-butterfly / leg-stretches / back-twists / etc

Notes: Poses with a variety of names, even though know the yoga movement by heart I forget the name of the pose in my brain. Anyway, it has been a while since did a relaxed flow day with chi tapping the energy in the body and yin yoga stretches for a relaxed state of mental being.

WEDNESDAY - FUELING - Intuitive FOOD and Instinctive FASTING
Notes: Dry Fasting with Two Eating Windows: Sunrise and Sunset
Sunrise Fueling
- drink: black coffee / herbal teas / orange juice (added water, electrolytes)
- meal: aged cheese (probiotics) / boiled eggs (protein-fat) / raw honey (carbs)
Sunset Fueling
- meal: ground pork-turkey / taco-tortilla-chips / salsa-sour-cream / lettuce-cilantro
-- seasonings: cumin-garlic-onion / white pepper / red pepper flakes / brown sugar
- drink: apple juice (added water, electrolytes) / frozen cherries
- milkshake: vegan brownies / Jersey cow ice cream (cream-milk, eggs, vanilla, honey)

Notes: Looking in the freezer and saw ground pork and ground turkey meat. Then saw a bag of taco chips in the pantry with jars of salsa. Then said let us make tacos but with taco chips, Even though I love taco shells but find it less messy to eat with chips and it tastes the same to me.

In a pan, I cooked the pork and turkey meat together. The turkey can be dry so adding the pork gives it more moisture. Added seasonings of cumin, white pepper, garlic-onion powder, red pepper flakes, and brown sugar for the sweet and spicy effect. I love sweet and spicy together. Then the milkshake was a repeat of Sunday and Monday, and the hydrating drink was a repeat of Tuesday.


TUESDAY - STRENGTH-TRAINING: Just Farmer Walks Themed Day
Notes: A hot humid day and was feeling intense outdoor sweaty sessions throughout the day. For some reason, it seemed fun to create a farmer walks-carry-themed day with a variety of versions.

Just Farmer Walks Day / 5 Sessions 8 min Each / 40 min Total Workout

Session One - Classic Farmer Walk / Hilly-Hill HIIT - 8 Min Workout
--- One Minute Sets - 1 min work / 1 min rest ---
Classic Walk Dumbbell-Farmer Walks - Classic Arms- 4 sets / 4 min
- high-hill terrain - forward/backward while walking uphill/downhill -
handgrip: classic / reverse / underhand / overhand
Classic Farmer Walk / Half-Hill - Unilateral Arms - 4 sets / 4 min
Unilateral Arms (right arm: 30 sec / left arm: 30 sec) = 1 min
- half-hill terrain - forward/backward while walking uphill/downhill -
handgrip: classic / reverse / underhand / overhand
Notes: I nicknamed this hiit style farmer walks because of uphill, and downhill while walking forward, backward, and carrying heavy dumbbells, it creates an intense hilly walking session.

Session Two - Farmer Walks / Curl Holds - 8 Min Workout
--- One Minute Sets - 1 min work / 1 min rest
Dumbbell-Farmer Walks with Static Curl Holds
Biceps - Front- Curl Static Holds - 4 sets / 4 min
- flat terrain / forward/backward / forward/backward
handgrip: classic / reverse / underhand / overhand
Biceps - Wide - Curl Static Holds - 4 sets / 4 min
- flat terrain / forward/backward / forward/backward
handgrip: classic / reverse / underhand / overhand
Notes: Farmer walks while static curl hold to work the biceps.

Session Three - Classic Farmer Walks / Flat Terrain - 8 Min Workout
--- One Minute Sets - 1 min work / 1 min rest ---
Classic Walk Dumbbell-Farmer Walks - Classic Arms- 4 sets / 4 min
- flat terrain / forward/backward / forward/backward
handgrip: classic / reverse / underhand / overhand
Classic Farmer Walk / Half-Hill - Unilateral Arms - 4 sets / 4 min
Unilateral Arms (right arm: 30 sec / left arm: 30 sec) = 1 min
- flat terrain / forward/backward / forward/backward
handgrip: classic / reverse / underhand / overhand
Notes: Repeat of session one but with flat terrain.

Session Four - Farmer Walks / Overhead Holds - 8 Min Workout
--- One Minute Sets - 1 min work / 1 min rest
Dumbbell-Farmer Walks with Static Overhead Holds
Shoulders - Overhead - Shoulder Press Static Holds - 4 sets / 4 min
- flat terrain / forward/backward / forward/backward
handgrip: classic / reverse / underhand / overhand
Triceps - Overhead - Extension Static Holds - 4 sets / 4 min
- flat terrain / forward/backward / forward/backward /
handgrip: classic / reverse / underhand / overhand
Notes: Farmer walks while static overhead holds to work the shoulders and triceps.

Session Five - Classic Farmer Walk / Hilly-Hill HIIT - 8 Min Workout
--- One Minute Sets - 1 min work / 1 min rest ---
Classic Walk Dumbbell-Farmer Walks - Classic Arms- 4 sets / 4 min
- high-hill terrain - forward/backward while walking uphill/downhill -
handgrip: classic / reverse / underhand / overhand
Classic Farmer Walk / Half-Hill - Unilateral Arms - 4 sets / 4 min
Unilateral Arms (right arm: 30 sec / left arm: 30 sec) = 1 min
- half-hill terrain - forward/backward while walking uphill/downhill -
handgrip: classic / reverse / underhand / overhand
Notes: A repeat of session one.

TUESDAY - FUELING - Intuitive FOOD and Instinctive FASTING
Notes: Dry Fasting with Two Eating Windows: Sunrise and Sunset
Sunrise Fueling
- drink: black coffee / herbal teas / orange juice (added water, electrolytes)
- meal: aged cheese (probiotics) / boiled eggs (protein-fat) / raw honey (carbs)
Sunset Fueling
- meal: elk burgers: elk meat (salted butter, cast iron) / freshly baked bread buns
-- toppings: onion tops / carrot tops / celery tops / mayo-honey-mustard
-- side: sweet potatoes fries (sliced-salted, oven baked coconut oil)
- drink: apple juice (added water, electrolytes) / frozen cherries
- milkshake: bananas / Jersey cow ice cream (cream-milk, eggs, vanilla, honey)

Notes: Made elk burgers with plentiful protein the meat was given to me by a friend who hunts and has an abundance of meat in their freezer. I ate two elk burgers cooked on cast iron with salted butter. The toppings were newly sprouted tops from the garden of onions, carrots, and celery.

Wow, the elk burgers with the mayo honey mustard sauce were delicious with a side of sweet potato fries. Then the milkshake I added overly ripe bananas that needed to be used up. Also, drank apple juice with added water, electrolytes, and frozen cherries to act like ice cubes to keep it cold.


Notes: Raining outside, did my training indoors with one session. Glute hip thrusts, chest presses with flies, then a finisher of chest pushups, glute double kickbacks, abs, and exercise bike.

Session: Muscle-Building - Afternoon
Dumbbells-Isometrics: Glutes-Hip-Thrusts / flat-bench = 12 Min Workout
--- Three Minute Sets - 3 min work / 1 min rest
foothold: classic: thrusts 1 min / thrust-hold 1 min / thrusts 1 min
foothold: sumo: thrusts 1 min / thrust-hold 1 min / thrusts 1 min
foothold: plie: thrusts 1 min / thrust-hold 1 min / thrusts 1 min
foothold: frog: thrusts 1 min / thrust-hold 1 min / thrusts 1 min

Dumbbells-Isometrics: Chest-Presses-Flys / incline-bench = 12 Min Workout
--- Three Minute Sets - 3 min work / 1 min rest
handgrip: classic-underhand: presses 1 min / flys 1 min / dumbbell-hold 1 min
handgrip: classic-overhand: presses 1 min / flys 1 min / dumbbell-hold 1 min
handgrip: hammer-classic: presses 1 min / flys 1 min / dumbbell-hold 1 min
handgrip: hammer-reverse: presses 1 min / flys 1 min / dumbbell-hold 1 min

Bodyweight-Isometrics: Pushups / Abs / Kickbacks = 8 Min Workout
--- Two Minute Sets - 2 min work / 1 min rest
bodyweight: glutes double kickbacks 1 min / hold 1 min
bodyweight: chest-pushups 1 min / hold 1 min
bodyweight: abs-sit-ups 1 min/ hold 1 min
bodyweight: abs crunches 1 min/ hold 1 min

Bodyweight-Isometrics: Pushups / Abs / Kickbacks = 8 Min Workout
--- Two Minute Sets - 2 min work / 1 min rest
bodyweight: glutes double kickbacks 1 min / hold 1 min
bodyweight: chest-pushups 1 min / hold 1 min
bodyweight: abs-sit-ups 1 min/ hold 1 min
bodyweight: abs crunches 1 min/ hold 1 min

Cardio - Indoor Exercise Bike = 8 Min Workout
Cycle: leg pedaling and arms moving

MONDAY - FUELING - Intuitive FOOD and Instinctive FASTING
Notes: Dry Fasting with Two Eating Windows: Sunrise and Sunset
Sunrise Fueling
- drink: black coffee / herbal teas / orange juice (added water, electrolytes)
- meal: aged cheese (probiotics) / boiled eggs (protein-fat) / raw honey (carbs)
Sunset Fueling
- meal: pork steaks / wild rice / onions-mushrooms-peppers-garlic / coconut oil
- drink: mango juice (added water, electrolytes) / frozen mango
- milkshake: vegan brownies / Jersey cow ice cream (cream-milk, eggs, vanilla, honey)

Notes: This was a simple meal day. Leftover grilled pork steaks from Sunday, sliced then added already cooked wild rice, frozen mushrooms-onions-peppers, and stir-fried on coconut oil with garlic powder. Feeling thirsty, drank mango juice with added water, electrolytes, and pieces of frozen mango to act like ice cubes to keep it cold. Then the milkshake was a repeat of Sunday.


Notes: Decided on a rest day for the reason that I wanted my body to be fully rested for strength training sessions this week. I guess I needed the rest day, I napped and I rarely take naps during the day but sometimes the best sleeping moments are a random nap that was not planned.

SUNDAY - FUELING - Intuitive FOOD and Instinctive FASTING
Notes: Dry Fasting with Two Eating Windows: Sunrise and Sunset
Sunrise Fueling
- drink: black coffee / herbal teas / orange juice (added water, electrolytes)
- meal: aged cheese (probiotics) / boiled eggs (protein-fat) / raw honey (carbs)
Sunset Fueling
- meal: grilled pork steaks / herbs-pepperflakes-honey
- snack: tortilla corn chips / salsa / avocado / elk jerky
- milkshake: vegan brownies / Jersey cow ice cream (cream-milk, eggs, vanilla, honey)

Notes: Cleaning the freezer and found a bunch of pork steaks that needed to be eaten. With pork steaks, I like grilled, spicy, and sweet combo. Snacked on tortilla chips with salsa for my carbs then the avocado for healthy fats. Also munched on elk jerky it was given to me by a friend who hunts and has an abundance of wild hunted and raised game meats such as elk, deer, bison, boar, etc.

Then my daily Jersey cow milkshake with premade organic vegan brownies crumbled into it. We have a discount grocery store with many organic foods that are about to expire and very low priced. This week they had boxes of organic vegan brownies with simple ingredients. Even though I can easily bake brownies but nice to have something already made to enhance recipes.


Jami --- Jami Lynn Antella --- My name is Jami, a female from Wisconsin (USA).

Jami Lynn is my first, middle name, and Antella is my higher self-name. A Libra sign, a dragon Chinese sign, and born on September 24th.

I live on a farm living a simple life that loves writing words as a passionate hobby.

I know, not a great blogger or the greatest writer of words but I do love blogging a post in this timeline is a mission. Not trying to influence anybody of anything anymore because everyone has their journey on earth.

In the past, was trying to be somebody, but now discovered a more peaceful incarnation by not trying to be someone and just love being part of the human journey, as Jami.