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June Diary Three - Daily Fitness Training and Food Fueling: June 23rd-29th

- Just a Daily-Weekly Fitness Log - Logging of Training and Fueling - June

Just a Daily-Weekly Fitness Log - Logging of Training and Fueling - June

Week of Training / Fueling Log: June 23rd-29th

Noted: this post is a week with daily workouts and food, as well as a diary glimpse of life notes.


SATURDAY-TRAINING: Active Day with Cardio Day of Hiking
Notes: The weather was perfect for hiking not too humid with a cool breeze and the bugs were not too buggy. A afternoon hike in forests into the sunset of grilled food on a campfire with a friend who is male. It was a fun and active day of fitness and food that fueled my body, mind, and heart.

One - Long - Hiking Session: Afternoon into Before Sunset
Notes: The terrain was a natural mix of flat and hilly forests with a hiking trail. The woods were a baby haven everything had babies. Such as fawns, baby birds learning how to fly, along with groundhog and her baby as well as, a skunk with four babies of course kept distant but skunk did not seem too worried. I have come across wildlife many times while hiking if I stay calm, and be peaceful, they do not feel threatened by that energy and simply walk away to go on with their day.

SATURDAY - FUELING - Intuitive FOOD and Instinctive FASTING
Notes: Dry Fasting with Three Eating Windows: Sunrise, Noon, and Sunset
Sunrise Fueling
- drink: black coffee / herbal teas / orange juice (added water, electrolytes)
- meal: aged cheese (probiotics) / boiled eggs (protein-fat) / raw honey (carbs)
Noon Fueling
- drink: orange juice (added water-ice, electrolytes)
Sunset Fueling
- burger: grilled ground elk meat / herbs-seasonings / bread-buns
- steak: grilled elk steak / herbs-seasonings
- drink: soda pop (homemade root beer)
- dessert: smores: chocolate, graham crackers, marshmallows

Notes: After many hours of hiking, I was very hungry. Ate a meal of grilled elk meat, homemade root beer (my favorite soda flavor), and smores. My hiking with friend who is male and hunts, has a gift for grilling food, especially wild game meats. I am not a grilling food type of cook and glad someone else could take on that role. The meal was simple grilled elk burgers and elk steak on a campfire grill, drinking soda pop and a dessert of smores. While watching the sunset and the bloom of stars sparkling while seeing magical lightning bugs flash their firefly lights in the sky.


FRIDAY-Training - One Long Session
Notes: The theme was everything with a weighted barbell a full body session. Starts and ends with barbell farmer walks with three barbell positions with the bar on the shoulders, in front, and high overhead. For upper circuit is presses, curls, and rows with two handgrip versions of hand under bar and hand over bar. For middle is ab rollouts and core twists. Then lower are hip thrusts, squats-deadlifts, and glute bridges with different footholds of classic, sumo, plie, frog, and goblet.

One - Long - Session: Afternoon: Segment One
--- One-Minute Sets - 1 min work / 1 min rest ---

Weighted-Barbell: Farmer Walks / Flat Terrain
Barbell Walk Farmer Walks - Barbell - Barefoot
- flat terrain: forward/backward /forward/backward/ forward/backward
barbell position: bar back-shoulders /bar in front / bar high-overhead

Weighted-Barbell-Bench: Glutes: Hip Thrusts
foothold: classic: thrust / thrust: jump-walkout / thrust
foothold: sumo: thrust / thrust: jump-walkout / thrust
foothold: plie: thrust / thrust: jump-walkout / thrust
foothold: frog: thrust / thrust: jump-walkout / thrust

Weighted-Barbell-Bench: Upper Circuit
chest press: underhand / overhand
triceps press: underhand / overhand
shoulder press: underhand / overhand
back rows: underhand / overhand
bicep curls: underhand / overhand

Weighted-Barbell-Bench: Abs-Core
abs: barbell rolling ab rollouts
core: barbell standing core twists

One - Long - Session: Afternoon: Segment Two
--- One-Minute Sets - 1 min work / 1 min rest ---

Weighted-Barbell: Legs: Squats-Deadlifts-Good-Mornings
- Bar position: in front / on shoulders / high overhead - Barefoot
foothold: classic: squat / classic: deadlift / classic: good mornings
foothold: sumo: squat / sumo: deadlift / sumo: good mornings
foothold: plie: squat / plie: deadlift / plie: good mornings
foothold: goblet: squat / goblet: deadlift / goblet: good mornings

Weighted-Barbell-Bench: Upper Circuit
chest press: underhand / overhand
triceps press: underhand / overhand
shoulder press: underhand / overhand
back rows: underhand / overhand
bicep curls: underhand / overhand

Weighted-Barbell-Floor: Glutes: Glute Bridges
foothold: classic: bridges / single-leg-hops / bridges
foothold: sumo: bridges / single-leg-hops / bridges
foothold: plie: bridges / single-leg-hops / bridges
foothold: frog: bridges / single-leg-hops / bridges

Weighted-Barbell-Bench: Abs-Core
abs: barbell rolling ab rollouts
core: barbell standing core twists

Weighted-Barbell: Farmer Walks / Flat Terrain
Barbell Walk Farmer Walks - Barbell - Barefoot
- flat terrain: forward/backward /forward/backward/ forward/backward
barbell position: bar back-shoulders /bar in front / bar high-overhead

FRIDAY - FUELING - Intuitive FOOD and Instinctive FASTING
Notes: Dry Fasting with Two Eating Windows: Sunrise and Sunset
Sunrise Fueling
- drink: black coffee / herbal teas / orange juice (added water, electrolytes)
- meal: aged cheese (probiotics) / boiled eggs (protein-fat) / raw honey (carbs)
After Sunset Fueling
- meal: oven-baked salmon / salted garlic butter/ turkey bacon / brown sugar
-- fried rice: rice, eggs, coconut oil / celery-onions-carrots / juice: lemons-limes
- drink: watermelon juice (blended: watermelon, added: lemon juice, lime juice)
- milkshake: strawberries-brownies / Jersey cow ice cream (cream-milk, eggs, vanilla, honey)

Notes: Baked in the oven salmon with salted garlic butter, brown sugar, and turkey bacon. Stir-fried fried rice in coconut oil, eggs, celery, onions, carrots with juice from lemons and limes. When the salmon dish was done cooking with tasty drippings, I poured and stirred it into the fried rice pan for extra flavor and nutrition via omega-3 fatty acids. Then made a refreshing drink of sweet watermelon with juice from lemons and limes. The milkshake is on repeat this week with fresh garden strawberries sliced with organic vegan brownies crumbled in, it tastes fancy but simple.

THURSDAY-Training - Rest-Recovery Day
Notes: Day of rest the mind and let the muscles recover, it felt like the right day with no training.

THURSDAY - FUELING - Intuitive FOOD and Instinctive FASTING
Notes: Dry Fasting with Two Eating Windows: Sunrise and Sunset
Sunrise Fueling
- drink: black coffee / herbal teas / orange juice (added water, electrolytes)
- meal: aged cheese (probiotics) / boiled eggs (protein-fat) / raw honey (carbs)
After Sunset Fueling
- sandwiches: breaded chicken breast (breadcrumbs-flour-egg) / turkey bacon
-- sauce: avocado-mayo-honey-mustard / noted: chicken cooked on coconut oil
-- veggies-herbs: cilantro-onions-cucumbers / pickles
- snack-garden: raspberries / strawberries
- drink: orange juice (added water, electrolytes)
- milkshake: strawberries-brownies / Jersey cow ice cream (cream-milk, eggs, vanilla, honey)

Notes: Sort of a repeat of Wednesday. Instead of a large salad is made into two sandwiches with a toasted bread bun with breaded chicken breast that was made with breadcrumbs, flour, egg and cooked in coconut oil. Along with turkey bacon plus mayo, honey mustard with cilantro, onions, cucumbers, and pickles. A breaded chicken sandwich is my favorite and it tasted great.

Snacked on raspberries and nibbled on strawberries while playing in the garden. I was shocked to see raspberries already they are a month early. It is somewhat rare to eat raspberries and strawberries at the same time from the garden because their harvest times are different usually. No matter what is happening, I am thankful for the abundance of the garden, farm, and wild edibles as well as farmer markets, local farmers, hunters, and my favorite discount grocery store.


WEDNESDAY-Training - 3 Sessions
Notes: The theme is Farmer Walks Themed Day with Walking the Upper Body into Crawling the Full Body. The farmer walks while walking forward and backward is how I do my farmer carries. For the first time, tried barbell walks it did feel like it triggered different muscles compared to the dumbbell version. Also added the upper body walking with full body crawling, push-ups into plank, along with yoga poses of up-dog then down-dog routine and bear crawling crawls finisher.

Just Farmer Walks Themed Day plus Walking Upper Body with Full Body Crawling
- 3 Sessions of 20 min each / 60 min Total Workout for the Day -
-- 20 Minute Session x 3 Times throughout the Day --

Dumbbell Farmer Walks / Flat Terrain - 8 min workout
--- One-Minute Sets - 1 min work / 1 min rest --- Dumbbells
Dumbbell Farmer Walks - Classic Both Arms - 4 sets / 4 min
- flat terrain: forward/backward /forward/backward/ forward/backward
handgrip: classic / reverse / underhand / overhand
Dumbbell Farmer Walks - Unilateral Arms - 4 sets / 4 min
Unilateral Arms (right arm: 1 min / left arm: 1 min) = 2 min x 2 each arm
- flat terrain: forward/backward /forward/backward/ forward/backward
handgrip: classic / reverse / underhand / overhand

Barbell Farmer Walks / Flat Terrain - 6 min workout
--- One-Minute Sets - 1 min work / 1 min rest --- Barbell Walk
Barbell Walk Farmer Walks - Weightless Bar - 3 sets / 3 min
- flat terrain: forward/backward /forward/backward/ forward/backward
barbell position: bar back-shoulders /bar in front / bar high-overhead
Barbell Walk Farmer Walks - Weighted Plates on Bar - 3 sets / 3 min
- flat terrain: forward/backward /forward/backward/ forward/backward
barbell position: bar back-shoulders / bar in front / bar high-overhead

Walking-Moving-Crawling in the Upper-Full Body - 6 min workout
Walking Upper Body - push-up into Plank - 1 min
- walks: push-up into high plank hold then push-up into low plank hold -
Moving Upper Body - Yoga Up-Dog then Down-Dog - 3 min
- moves: 1 min: up/down-dog /rest/ holds: 1 min: up-dog/1 min: down-dog
Crawling Full Body - Bear Crawling - quadrupedal movement - 2 min
- animal-crawls: Bear-Crawls: 1 min: crawling /rest/ 1 min: crawling

WEDNESDAY - FUELING - Intuitive FOOD and Instinctive FASTING
Notes: Dry Fasting with Two Eating Windows: Sunrise and Sunset
Sunrise Fueling
- drink: black coffee / herbal teas / orange juice (added water, electrolytes)
- meal: aged cheese (probiotics) / boiled eggs (protein-fat) / raw honey (carbs)
After Sunset Fueling
- salad: breaded chicken breast (breadcrumbs-flour-egg) / turkey bacon
-- sauce: avocado-mayo-honey-mustard / noted: chicken cooked on coconut oil
-- veggies-herbs: lettuce-spinach-cilantro / onions-peppers-celery / cucumbers
- snack: peaches / strawberries
- drink: orange juice (added water, electrolytes)
- milkshake: strawberries-brownies / Jersey cow ice cream (cream-milk, eggs, vanilla, honey)

Notes: Feeling something summery, fresh, a protein-loaded salad with breaded chicken breast and turkey bacon, they pair well together. The dressing was avocado mixed with a spoonful of mayo and honey mixed with mustard. To create honey mustard it is so simple just mix honey with yellow mustard then stir together, a simple dressing or dipping sauce for anything. Plus from the garden and grocery store mix of lettuce, spinach, cilantro, spring onions, sweet peppers, celery, and cucumbers. Snacked on peaches and strawberries, and the milkshake was a repeat of Tuesday.


Notes: Was feeling strength training lunges mixed with yoga poses plus one-legged squats and deadlifts. I was feeling strong and felt like going heavy for my upper body with an incline bench theme for biceps, triceps, and shoulders with some abs too. It was fun and felt the burn sessions.

Session One - Afternoon

Lunges and Poses - light dumbells with ankle and wrist weights
-- one-minute: each exercise - 2 min each leg -rest-then- 1 min walking lunges
legs-strength: forward lunge/static-lunge /rest/ lunge/static /rest/ walk lunge
legs-strength: reverse lunge/static-lunge /rest/ lunge/static /rest/ walk lunge
legs-yoga: warrior I pose: pulsing-pose/static-pose /rest/ pulsinge/static

Incline-Bench- Biceps: one-minute with dumbbells
biceps-incline-bench - front curls: one-minute with heavy dumbbells
biceps-incline-bench - wide curls: one-minute with heavy dumbbells
biceps-incline-bench - hammer curls: one-minute with heavy dumbbells

Incline-Bench-Abs and Bodyweight Pilates-Yoga-Abs
abs-incline-bench: abs-crunches /abs-sit-ups / abs-twists
abs-pilates-yoga-floor: one hundred / roll-ups / boat pose

Session Two - Afternoon

Lunges and Poses - light dumbells with ankle and wrist weights
-- one-minute: each exercise - 2 min each leg -rest-then- 1 min walking lunges
legs-strength: curtsy lunge/static-curtsy /rest/ lunge/static /rest/ walking curtsy
legs-strength: lateral lunge/static-lateral /rest/ lunge/static /rest/ walking lateral
legs-yoga: warrior II pose: pulsing-pose/static-pose /rest/ pulsing/static

Incline-Bench- Triceps: extensions-crushers-kickbacks with dumbbells
triceps-incline-bench - overhead extensions: one-minute with heavy dumbbells
triceps-incline-bench - skull crushers: one-minute with medium dumbbells
triceps-incline-bench - kickbacks: one-minute with light dumbbells

Incline-Bench-Abs and Bodyweight Pilates-Yoga-Abs
abs-incline-bench: abs-crunches /abs-sit-ups / abs-twists
abs-pilates-yoga-floor: one hundred / roll-ups / boat pose

Session Three Afternoon

One-Leg Squats-RDLs and Tree Pose - light dumbells with ankle and wrist weights
-- one-minute: each exercise - 2 min each leg -rest-then- 1 min walking squat
legs-strength: one-leg squat: squat/static /rest/ squat /static /rest/ walk forward squat
legs-strength: one-leg RDL: lifts/static /rest/ lifts/static /rest/ walk backward squat
legs-yoga: tree pose: pulsing-pose/static-pose /rest/ pulsing/static

Incline-Bench - Shoulders: raises-presses - one-minute with dumbbells
shoulders-incline-bench - shoulder presses - one-minute with medium dumbbells
shoulders-incline-bench - front raises - one-minute with light dumbbells
shoulders-incline-bench - lateral raises - one-minute with light dumbbells

Incline-Bench-Abs and Bodyweight Pilates-Yoga-Abs
abs-incline-bench: abs-crunches /abs-sit-ups / abs-twists
abs-pilates-yoga-floor: one hundred / roll-ups / boat pose

TUESDAY - FUELING - Intuitive FOOD and Instinctive FASTING
Notes: Dry Fasting with Two Eating Windows: Sunrise and Sunset
Sunrise Fueling
- drink: black coffee / herbal teas / orange juice (added water, electrolytes)
- meal: aged cheese (probiotics) / boiled eggs (protein-fat) / raw honey (carbs)
After Sunset Fueling
- pizza: pizza crust (dough) / clams-oysters- mussels (canned)
-- mayo-sour-cream: garlic-onion-powder-white pepper/ mozzarella cheese/butter
- snack: strawberries / peaches / peanuts
- drink: orange juice (added water, electrolytes)
- milkshake: strawberries-brownies / Jersey cow ice cream (cream-milk, eggs, vanilla, honey)

Notes: The discount grocery store here this week had about-to-expire cans of clams, oysters, and mussels on sale to stockpile in the pantry. I love shellfish but I rarely get to eat it. Wow, it was my lucky week to find this deal, after I was dancing with happiness within love the heart energy.

I was feeling a seafood pizza. The pizza crust was made from frozen bread dough. I let the bread dough unthaw and grow then shaped it into a pizza crust and rose. Made a white sauce of mayonnaise and sour cream mixed with garlic powder, onion powder, honey, and white pepper. Then the protein was clams, oysters, mussels, and mozzarella cheese with garlic butter drizzled.

Then the milkshake was with fresh strawberries then brownies crumbled into it. The organic vegan brownies are from the discount grocery store weeks ago. I think pizza and milkshake is a very balanced meal it has protein, fats, and carbs it has everything needed for strength training.

Keep in mind, I am a country gal no one here is trying to win bikini contests with abs showing. I love looking toned and strong while growing more muscle and building strength. I am feeling sexy and feminine in a summer dress and showing my muscular legs-arms while doing push-ups.


Notes: The theme was glutes and chest with indoor workouts because of the humidity outside. For glutes, hip thrusts, glute bridges with different footholds and band angles plus the ball squeezes then walkouts. For chest, presses, and flys with different handgrips and angles thru incline, flat, and decline bench. Repeated the same workout three times but each time had different variations. I had fun with this workout, I enjoy training my glutes and chest on the same training day.

Session One - Noon: Hip Thrusts / Incline Bench Chest / Glute Bridges
- counting reps: heavy weights / one-minute: lighter weights / isometric holds

GLUTES: Hip Thrusts / flat-bench / glute-bands-knees / dumbbells
foothold: classic: thrusts/hold /rest/ thrusts/hold / walkout
foothold: sumo: thrusts/hold /rest/ thrusts/hold / walkout
foothold: plie: thrusts/hold /rest/ thrusts/hold / walkout
foothold: frog: thrusts/hold /rest/ thrusts/hold / walkout

CHEST: Presses and Flys / incline-bench / dumbbells
handgrip: classic-underhand: presses /rest/ flys /rest/ dumbbell-holds
handgrip: classic-overhand: presses /rest/ flys /rest/ dumbbell-holds
handgrip: hammer-classic: presses /rest/ flys /rest/ dumbbell-holds
handgrip: hammer-reverse: presses /rest/ flys /rest/ dumbbell-holds

GLUTES: Glute-Bridge / flat-floor / glute-bands-knees / dumbbells
foothold: classic: bridges/hold /rest/ bridges/hold / walkout
foothold: sumo: bridges/hold /rest/ bridges/hold / walkout
foothold: plie: bridges/hold /rest/ bridges/hold / walkout
foothold: frog: bridges/hold /rest/ bridges/hold / walkout

Session Two - Afternoon: Hip Thrusts / Flat Bench Chest / Glute Bridges
- counting reps: heavy weights / one-minute: lighter weights / isometric holds

GLUTES: Hip Thrusts / flat-bench / straps-bands-feet/ dumbbells
foothold: classic: thrusts/hold /rest/ thrusts/hold / walkout
foothold: sumo: thrusts/hold /rest/ thrusts/hold / walkout
foothold: plie: thrusts/hold /rest/ thrusts/hold / walkout
foothold: frog: thrusts/hold /rest/ thrusts/hold / walkout

CHEST: Presses and Flys / flat-bench / dumbbells
handgrip: classic-underhand: presses /rest/ flys /rest/ dumbbell-holds
handgrip: classic-overhand: presses /rest/ flys /rest/ dumbbell-holds
handgrip: hammer-classic: presses /rest/ flys /rest/ dumbbell-holds
handgrip: hammer-reverse: presses /rest/ flys /rest/ dumbbell-holds

GLUTES: Glute-Bridge / flat-floor / straps-bands-feet/ dumbbells
foothold: classic: bridges/hold /rest/ bridges/hold / walkout
foothold: sumo: bridges/hold /rest/ bridges/hold / walkout
foothold: plie: bridges/hold /rest/ bridges/hold / walkout
foothold: frog: bridges/hold /rest/ bridges/hold / walkout

Session Three - Before Sunset: Hip Thrusts / Decline-Bench Chest / Glute Bridges
- counting reps: heavy weights / one-minute: lighter weights / isometric holds

GLUTES: Hip Thrusts / flat-bench / squeeze-ball-knees /small-ball
foothold: classic: thrusts/hold /rest/ thrusts/hold / walkout
foothold: sumo: thrusts/hold /rest/ thrusts/hold / walkout
foothold: plie: thrusts/hold /rest/ thrusts/hold / walkout
foothold: frog: thrusts/hold /rest/ thrusts/hold / walkout

CHEST: Presses and Flys / decline-bench / dumbbells
handgrip: classic-underhand: presses /rest/ flys /rest/ dumbbell-holds
handgrip: classic-overhand: presses /rest/ flys /rest/ dumbbell-holds
handgrip: hammer-classic: presses /rest/ flys /rest/ dumbbell-holds
handgrip: hammer-reverse: presses /rest/ flys /rest/ dumbbell-holds

GLUTES: Glute-Bridge / flat-floor / squeeze-ball-knees /small-ball
foothold: classic: bridges/hold /rest/ bridges/hold / walkout
foothold: sumo: bridges/hold /rest/ bridges/hold / walkout
foothold: plie: bridges/hold /rest/ bridges/hold / walkout
foothold: frog: bridges/hold /rest/ bridges/hold / walkout

MONDAY - FUELING - Intuitive FOOD and Instinctive FASTING
Notes: Dry Fasting with Two Eating Windows: Sunrise and Sunset
Sunrise Fueling
- drink: black coffee / herbal teas / orange juice (added water, electrolytes)
- meal: aged cheese (probiotics) / boiled eggs (protein-fat) / raw honey (carbs)
After Sunset Fueling
- meal: scrambled eggs: butter, honey, white pepper / baked sweet potato: sour cream
- snack: pickled beets jar / pickled beets jar / strawberries / peanuts
- drink: orange juice (added water, electrolytes)
- milkshake: strawberries / Jersey cow ice cream (cream-milk, eggs, vanilla, honey)

Notes: Ate a simple meal of scrambled eggs with butter and drizzled honey on top with white pepper. Also, baked a sweet potato in the oven and afterward added sour cream and salt.

For some reason, my body was craving pickled beets so I followed that guidance and ate two jars and drank the juice too. Whatever is in beets my body requires those nutrients and normally I am not a beet-eating person. Whatever it means I follow the guidance of the body to eat what it needs.

Then the daily milkshake with freshly pickled strawberries, nothing like fresh ripe strawberries from the garden. The wildlife also enjoys the strawberries. I do not mind sharing with other creatures and humans of the earth this bountiful harvest via Mother Nature's heart loves all beings.


Notes: I am not a fitness trainer or social media influencer, I love blogging words and training the body. I learned the most from Caroline Girvan and Tracy Anderson, they are teaching the world how to train their body. Also, learned from on YouTube, Mind Pump Podcast, TheBioneer, Sam Sulek, NaturalGallantBodybuilding, Bret Contreras (glute-guy), and as of late Renaissance Periodization. Even though learning from others as a person trains, it does evolve into your personality by creating a personal training template for you by being a personal trainer to yourself.

Session Noon - Classic Farmer Walks / Flat Terrain
--- One-Minute: Sets - 1 min work / 1 min rest ---
Classic Walk Dumbbell-Farmer Walks - Classic Arms- 4 sets / 4 min
- flat terrain / forward/backward / forward/backward
handgrip: classic / reverse / underhand / overhand

Session Afternoon: Squats-Deadlifts and Rows-Planks
Legs-Glutes: Squats: Classic, Sumo, Plie / Deadlifts: Rdl, Stiff, Good Mornings
-- Mix of Counting Reps Sets / One-Minute: Sets / One-Minute: Rest --
- Weighted Barbell Bar on Shoulders - Barefoot
-- format: squats /rest / deadlifts /rest/ squat then deadlift mix -

Back-Core-Arms: Renegade Rows: Dumbbell-Row/Dumbbell-Hold/Plank
-- One-Minute: Right Arm Row / Isometric Hold / Rest
-- One-Minute: Left Arm Row / Isometric Hold / Rest
-- One-Minute: High Plank Isometric Hold / Rest
Pull-Ups-Classic: one rep /rest/ one rep /rest/ one rep /rest/ one rep

Legs-Glutes: Squats: Classic, Sumo, Plie / Deadlifts: Rdl, Stiff, Good Mornings
-- Mix of Counting Reps Sets / One-Minute: Sets / One-Minute: Rest --
- Weighted Barbell Bar in Front - Barefoot
-- format: squats /rest / deadlifts /rest/ squat then deadlift mix -

Back-Core-Arms: Inverted Row: Bench-Barbell-Row/ Reverse Plank
-- One-Minute: Row / Isometric Hold / Rest
-- One-Minute: Row / Isometric Hold / Rest
-- One-Minute: Reverse High Plank Isometric Hold / Rest
Pull-Ups-Reverse: one rep /rest/ one rep /rest/ one rep /rest/ one rep

Legs-Glutes: Squats: Classic, Sumo, Plie / Deadlifts: Rdl, Stiff, Good Mornings
-- Mix of Counting Reps Sets / One-Minute: Sets / One-Minute: Rest --
- Weighted Barbell Bar over Head - Barefoot
-- format: squats /rest / deadlifts /rest/ squat then deadlift mix -

Session Sunset: Isometrics Hold for Strength and Stretch
- Many Minutes of Playing like a Kid with Bodyweight Strength and Stretches -
-- Calisthenics - Gymnastics - Animal Flow - Chi Tapping -Yin Yoga --
Notes: Random feels while touching the earth with intuitive hands and instinctive barefoot.

SUNDAY- FUELING - Intuitive FOOD and Instinctive FASTING
Notes: Dry Fasting with Two Eating Windows: Sunrise and Sunset
Sunrise Fueling
- drink: black coffee / herbal teas / orange juice (added water, electrolytes)
- meal: aged cheese (probiotics) / boiled eggs (protein-fat) / raw honey (carbs)
After Sunset Fueling
- meal: beef steak / eggs fried in pan
-- steak seasonings: powdered-spices-brown-sugar
- drink: orange juice (added water, electrolytes)
- milkshake: strawberries-bananas / Jersey cow ice cream (cream-milk, eggs, vanilla, honey)

Notes: Simply cooked a simple meal of steak and eggs for lots of protein to build muscle. After the meal was thirsty, drank orange juice, and added water with electrolytes to hydrate the body. Then a food finisher with a fruity milkshake with strawberries, and bananas for lots of carbs to energize.


Jami --- Jami Lynn Antella --- My name is Jami, a female from Wisconsin (USA).

Jami Lynn is my first, middle name, and Antella is my higher self-name. A Libra sign, a dragon Chinese sign, and born on September 24th.

I live on a farm living a simple life that loves writing words as a passionate hobby.

I know, not a great blogger or the greatest writer of words but I do love blogging a post in this timeline is a mission. Not trying to influence anybody of anything anymore because everyone has their journey on earth.

In the past, was trying to be somebody, but now discovered a more peaceful incarnation by not trying to be someone and just love being part of the human journey, as Jami.