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June Diary One - Daily Fitness Training and Food Fueling: June 9th-15th

- Just a Daily-Weekly Fitness Log - Logging of Training and Fueling - June

Just a Daily-Weekly Fitness Log - Logging of Training and Fueling - June

Week of Training / Fueling Log: June 9th-15th

Fun logging my workouts this week because it was so fun for me, I will log next week too.


SATURDAY - STRENGTH-TRAINING: Active Rest Day with Two Cardio Sessions
Notes: Active rest day from strength training into a cardio day with two hiking sessions.

Session One: After Sunrise Hiking Corn Field and Walking Chores Mixed Session
Notes: First walked the horse’s fence to make sure everything was up. Last night deer jumped into their pasture and wanted to make sure they did not knock wire down. Delightfully, it was all still up and working wonderfully. Then decided to go for a pole hike session in the large newly planted cornfield the field next to the pasture. It was a fun session of walking pastures and fields.

Session Two: Afternoon Pole Hiking to Pick Wild Strawberries and Enjoy Nature
Notes: This hike was about picking wild strawberries from the wildlife meadow connected to farmland and forests. It was so beautiful with wildflowers within that were wild strawberries are small berries. I always pick them each year, I call them fairy berries because they are so tiny. A relaxed state of enjoying being within wild edibles and seeing wildlife such as cranes (birds).

SATURDAY - FUELING - Intuitive FOOD and Instinctive FASTING
Notes: Dry Fasting with Three Eating Windows: Sunrise, Noon, and Sunset
Sunrise Fueling
- drink: black coffee / herbal teas / orange juice (added water, electrolytes)
- meal: aged cheese (probiotics) / boiled eggs (protein-fat) / raw honey (carbs)
Noon - Fueling
- wild edibles: wild strawberries snacking while hiking
Sunset Fueling
- meal: salad: shrimp / pasta / mayo-sour-cream-avocado-honey / onions-peppers / cheese
-- for crunch on top of shrimp salad: black sesame-seeds / chia-seeds / white bean tortilla chips
- snack: jar pickled beets / pickled herring (fish) / elk jerky
- milkshake: chocolate bar / Jersey cow ice cream (cream-milk, eggs, vanilla, honey)

Notes: Simple shrimp salad with a variety of ingredients from the pantry. Randomly ate an entire jar of pickled beets, there was something that my body was craving in beets. I knew it was a body thing more than a mind thing. I always say the body tells you what it needs in nutrients, such as randomly eating a jar of pickled beets is not random for the physical body because it knows.


Notes: After the squat and deadlift-themed day on Thursday. My body needed a rest day to recover. No matter how many years I have been, doing squats and deadlifts, I still feel it the next day and sometimes the day after. I love training more than rest days because I enjoy the journey of a training day. Although it is fun to take rest days from training to just be restful in the moment.

FRIDAY - FUELING - Intuitive FOOD and Instinctive FASTING
Notes: Dry Fasting with Two Eating Windows: Sunrise and Sunset
Sunrise Fueling
- drink: black coffee / herbal teas / orange juice (added water, electrolytes)
- meal: aged cheese (probiotics) / boiled eggs (protein-fat) / raw honey (carbs)
Sunset Fueling
- meal: sandwich: bread / breaded chicken / mayo-avocado / pickles-onions-cilantro
- meal: sandwich: bread / beef steak / mayo-avocado / pickles-onions-cilantro
- milkshake: watermelon / Jersey cow ice cream (cream-milk, eggs, vanilla, honey)
- snack: popcorn / refined coconut oil / salt

Notes: I was in sandwich mode with freshly baked bread. My favorite sandwich of all time is breaded chicken. As well as added a beefsteak sandwich for more meaty protein and beefy collagen fats to fuel my muscles with strength and beauty. I see beefsteak as a healthy food with a variety of nutrients. In addition, I am not against bread carbs either it fuels my training with happy energy.

My daily shake with Jersey milk for more protein and nutrients. I add fruit, nuts, powders, etc. Also, the Jersey is my favorite dairy breed of cattle, I love drinking cow milk it is a powerful food. Then a popcorn snack for movie night of air-popped popcorn, melted refined coconut oil, and salt.

Then sunrise, usually eat the same foods of 4 or 8 eggs, the number depends on how hungry I feel. The slice of aged cheese, boiled eggs, and spoonfuls of raw honey always fuel me wonderfully.


Notes: The theme of the training was squats, and deadlifts, with back rows plus shoulder raises and Pilates-themed exercises mixed in a mix of counting reps or one-minute sets into two sessions.

Session One: Afternoon / Mix of Counting Reps or One-Minute Sets
Variety of Squats and Deadlifts with Good Mornings plus Pilates Abs

Squats: Classic, Sumo, Plie / Deadlifts: RDL, Stiff, Good Mornings
- Weighted Barbell Bar on Back
-- squats / rest / deadlifts / rest / squat then deadlift mix -

Pilates Abs: Bodyweight / One Hundreds/Roll ups

Squats: Classic, Sumo, Plie / Deadlifts: RDL, Stiff, Good Mornings
- Weighted Barbell Bar in Front
-- squats / rest / deadlifts / rest / squat then deadlift mix -

Pilates Abs: Bodyweight / One Hundreds/Roll ups

Squats: Classic, Sumo, Plie / Deadlifts: RDL, Stiff, Good Mornings
- Weighted Barbell Bar over Head
-- squats / rest / deadlifts / rest / squat then deadlift mix -

Session Two: Before Sunset / Mix of Counting Reps or One-Minute Sets
Variety of Rows and Raises with Walking Squats plus Pilates Legs

Double Back Rows: Two Dumbbells
Handgrip: classic: underhand / overhand - hammer: classic / reverse

Walking Squats: bodyweight / sideways/lateral / high/low
Pilates Leg Circles: laying / bodyweight / sideways/lateral / high/low

Double Shoulder Raises: Two Dumbbells
Handgrip: classic: underhand / overhand - hammer: classic / reverse /

Walking Squats: bodyweight / forward/backward / high/low
Pilates Leg Circles: laying / bodyweight / forward/backward / high/low

Notes: So many say should not do squats, and deadlifts on the same day but I always liked doing them together. The days, I do squats and deadlifts are always intense and it is probably my favorite exercise combo because I feel it building strength and see my muscles pumped instantly.

THURSDAY- FUELING - Intuitive FOOD and Instinctive FASTING
Notes: Dry Fasting with Two Eating Windows: Sunrise and Sunset
Sunrise Fueling
- drink: black coffee / herbal teas / orange juice (added water, electrolytes)
- meal: aged cheese (probiotics) / boiled eggs (protein-fat) / raw honey (carbs)
Sunset Fueling
- meal: tuna steaks / rice noodles / cauliflower / salted butter / beef steak
- milkshake: watermelon / Jersey cow ice cream (cream-milk, eggs, vanilla, honey)

Notes: First-time recipe combo. In an oven pan frozen tuna steaks, frozen cauliflower, cooked rice noodles, stick of salted butter let it slow cook on the lowest heat for a few hours. It tasted great but the tuna steaks were overcooked but still a very delicious dish. Then on the side is a beef steak cooked on a cast iron pan to add more meaty protein and other nutrients for the day.


Notes: The theme of training the biceps and triceps with unilateral sessions of lunges, and squats with yoga poses. I love mixing strength training types of lunges and split squats with one-leg yoga poses. My favorite standing yoga pose is the tree pose, it is fun to add to a unilateral leg routine.

Session One: Muscle-Building -Endurance - Noon

Dumbbell Farmer Walks - 8-minute walks routine -
- One Minute Sets - 1 min work / 1 min rest -
Biceps - Front Curl Static Holds - Farmer Walks: 4 sets / 4 min
- flat terrain / forward/backward / dumbbell-hold-bicep-curl
-- handgrip: classic / reverse / underhand / overhand
Triceps - Overhead Extension Static Holds - Farmer Walks: 4 sets / 4 min
-flat terrain / forward/backward / dumbbell-hold-tricep-extension
-- handgrip: classic / reverse / underhand / overhand

Notes: Farmer walks while holding curl and overhead extension to work the biceps and triceps.

Unilateral Leg Session - Bodyweight - Poles - 8-minute leg routine -
- Walking Lunges / Classic Lunge, Curtsy Lunge, One Leg Squat, Tree Pose
Notes: 30 sec walking lunges, rest, counting tri-sets of 24 reps: right, rest, left -
Walking: Classic - Walking Lunge with Poles (30 secs, rest, tri-set)
- tri-set: Classic - Lunging Lunge, One Leg Squat, Yoga Tree Pose
Walking: Curtsy - Walking Lunge with Poles (30 secs, rest, tri-set)
- tri-set: Curtsy - Lunging Lunge, One Leg Squat, Yoga Tree Pose
Walking: High Yoga - Lunge with Poles (30 secs, rest, tri-set)
- tri-set: High Yoga - Lunging Lunge, One Leg Squat, Yoga Tree Pose

Notes: Trekking poles in each hand for balance to achieve a low-deep walking lunge.

Session Two: Muscle-Building-Strength - Before Sunset

Biceps and Triceps - Light Dumbbells - 12-minute arm routine
- Three Minute Sets x 4 / 3 min, rest, 3min, rest, 3 min, rest, 3 min -
Standing Tri-set: (3 min session): Front Curls / Overhead Extension / Wide Curls
- Repeated Four Times with different handgrips:
Handgrips - classic: underhand / overhand, hammer: classic / reverse -

Notes: Used lighter dumbbells of still feel the burn but not overpower flames.

Unilateral Leg Session - Light Dumbbells - 18-minute leg routine
- Three Minute Tri-Sets / 3 min, rest, 3min, rest, 3 min -
- tri-set-3min-x-2: Classic Lunging Lunge, One Leg Squat, Yoga Tree Pose
- tri-set-3-min-x-2: Curtsy Lunging Lunge, One Leg Squat, Yoga Tree Pose
- tri-set-3-min-x-2: High Yoga Lunging Lunge, One Leg Squat, Yoga Tree Pose

Notes: First did right leg, rest, then left leg. Three exercises for one minute each to equal a three-minute tri-set then rest as long as needed to recover then switch to the other leg and repeat.

Calisthenics for Strength with Animal Flow Movements
Many Minutes of Bodyweight Exercises
- Push-Ups/Planks - Handstands/Headstand - Animal Flow Sequences

Notes: Flow session of no counting reps or using a timer, just played with different movements.

WEDNESDAY - FUELING - Intuitive FOOD and Instinctive FASTING
Notes: Dry Fasting with Two Eating Windows: Sunrise and Sunset
Sunrise Fueling
- drink: black coffee / herbal teas / orange juice (added water, electrolytes)
- meal: aged cheese (probiotics) / boiled eggs (protein-fat) / raw honey (carbs)
Sunset Fueling
- meal: box: rice noodles / jar: spicy salsa / jar: sweet salsa
- meal: cans: sardines / spoonful: sour cream and onion powder / one: avocado
- milkshake: cookies / Jersey cow ice cream (cream-milk, eggs, vanilla, honey)
-- coconut cookies (coconut flour, cashews, peanuts, white chocolate)

Notes: Did not feel like creating anything fancy. Just found easy foods to make from the pantry.


Tuesday - STRENGTH-TRAINING: Circuit Style Training
Notes: On this day, was feeling circuit training sessions for glutes, chest with abs, and cardio.

Many women focus on glutes but do not train chest muscles. I train the chest muscles, it does firm and enhance. With hip thrusts, I do a variety of angles of foot positioning such as classic straight foot, sumo stance, plie, and on heels with tiptoed because it works different areas of the body.

I know that so many trainers online say there is only one way to do exercises but always been a strong believer in doing different angles of exercises through different handgrips and foot positioning. Because naturally, it feels right for my multidimensional muscle body, LOL.

CIRCUIT STYLE (three circuit sessions): MUSCLE / CARDIO

Session One - Noon - Hike / Thrusts, Presses, Sit-Ups / Bike
Session Two - Afternoon - Hike / Thrusts, Presses, Sit-Ups / Bike
Session Three - Sunset - Hike / Thrusts, Presses, Sit-Ups / Bike

Circuits within Circuits of Counting Reps or One-Minute Sets

Cardio - Pole Hike the Yard -
--- circuit: trekking poles in both hands for full body movement
Muscle - Dumbbells: Chest Presses / incline-flat-decline on a stability ball
--- circuits: classic: underhand / overhand / hammer: classic / reverse
Muscle - Dumbbells: Glute Hip Thrusts / head-back on a stability ball
--- circuits: foothold: classic / sumo / plie / on-heels-tiptoed / frog-pumps
Muscle - Dumbbells: Sit-Ups / sitting on a stability ball
--- circuits: sit-up / iso-hold / sit-up / iso-hold
Cardio - Exercise Bike -
--- circuit: leg pedaling and arms holding-moving dumbbells

Tuesday - FUELING - Intuitive FOOD and Instinctive FASTING
Notes: Dry Fasting with Two Eating Windows: Sunrise and Sunset
Sunrise Fueling
- drink: black coffee / herbal teas / orange juice (added water, electrolytes)
- meal: aged cheese (probiotics) / boiled eggs (protein-fat) / raw honey (carbs)
Sunset Fueling
- meal: organic macaroni cheese from the box with chicken gizzards / bone broth
- garden: lettuce-cilantro, spring-onions-garlic-chives / added: avocado-peanuts-cashews
- milkshake: raw-cherries / Jersey cow ice cream (cream-milk, eggs, vanilla, honey)

Notes: I made mac-n-cheese with chicken gizzards. I put raw gizzards, and unboiled pasta with chicken bone broth in the oven, and slow cook on low heat. Once fully cooked, I add sour cream with the cheese powder then in the oven again on high heat for a crispy-creamy effect.

Chicken gizzards are so nutritious for muscle building with lots of protein and nutrients from the bone broth into a mac-n-cheese dish with happy carbs to give me healthy energy for training.


Monday - STRENGTH-TRAINING: Three Sessions
Notes: Today was a beautiful day of getting newly highlighted hair of lighter blonde tresses for summer as well as covering the gray hairs. Wow, odd experience seeing the gray hairs even though I do not feel older. That of course gave me less time for training but I did fit in training sessions.

Athletic-Endurance - exercises -
Session One --- One Minute Sets - 1 min work / 1 min rest -
Classic - Dumbbell-Farmer Walks: 4 sets / 4 min
--- flat terrain / forward/backward / dumbbell classic static hold
----- dumbbell handgrip: classic / reverse / underhand / overhand
Overhead - Dumbbell-Farmer Walks: 4 sets / 4 min
--- flat terrain / forward/backward / dumbbell overhead static hold
----- dumbbell handgrip: classic / reverse / underhand / overhand

Notes: Slower-paced flat terrain walks while holding dumbbells by side and overhead to target the shoulder muscles with different grip positioning. I do a variety of handgrip variations for arms to create a mobile arm that can move in a variety of angles with mobility, stability, and strength.

Muscle-Building - exercises -

Session Two --- One Minute Sets - 1 min work / 1 min rest / 1, 2, or 4 sets -
Legs-Glutes: standing-unilateral: dumbbell kickbacks / dumbbell sidekicks
Glutes-Legs: kneeling-unilateral: dumbbell kickbacks / dumbbell sidekicks
Shoulders: standing: presses: underhand / overhand / hammer: classic / reverse
Arms: pilates style: circles-flys: forward-reverse-hold / underhand-overhand-hold

Session Three --- Counting Reps of 8 / 1 min isometric holds / 1 min rest -
Back-Core: picnic-table: renegade rows: heavy-dumbbell row / light-dumbbell hold
Abs: picnic-table: crunches-holds / twists-holds / dumbbell-bodyweight
Glutes-Legs: picnic-table: double kickbacks-holds / single thigh lifts-holds

CARDIO: Stationary Bike: One Session
-- exercise bike - 8 min session - peddling / moving arms while holding light weights -
Notes: hopped on indoor bike while waiting for stir-fry meal to finish cooking.

Notes: No workout plan these were the exercises and templates I was feeling within the moment of intuitive training and instinctive muscle movements that felt right for my body on this day.

Monday - FUELING - Intuitive FOOD and Instinctive FASTING
Notes: Dry Fasting with Two Eating Windows: Sunrise and Sunset
Sunrise Fueling
- drink: black coffee / herbal teas / orange juice (added water, electrolytes)
- meal: aged cheese (probiotics) / boiled eggs (protein-fat) / raw honey (carbs)
Sunset Fueling
- meal: leftover pork steak / organic ramen noodles / okra / steak sauce / honey / coconut oil
- garden: lettuce-cilantro, spring-onions-garlic-chives / added: avocado-peanuts-cashews
- milkshake: raw-cherries / frozen-cherries / Jersey cow milk / whey protein powder

Notes: I tried okra (vegetable) for the first, good, unknown flavor, and interesting texture. Yes, I would eat okra again but probably learn recipes and what other foods it pairs well with to bring out the best flavors and nutrition. It is fun trying new foods, I enjoy cooking and creating recipes.


Sunday - STRENGTH-TRAINING: One - Long - Session
Notes: with numerous chores, it was harder to fit in a micro-workout format. Therefore, I did one workout session in my outdoor gym. I created this outside gym with a bench, barbells, dumbbells, balls, rocks, tractor tires, trees, and the best outdoor exercise tool is a picnic table. Along with that, I live on a hill, I can create some intense sessions because of uphill/downhill options.

Athletic-Endurance - exercises -
--- One Minute Sets - 1 min work / 1 min rest ---
Dumbbell-Farmer Walks: 4 sets / 4 min
--- forward/backward while walking uphill/downhill -
handgrip: classic / reverse / underhand / overhand
Dumbbell-Walking Lunges : 2 sets / 2min
--- forward/backward while walking uphill/downhill

Notes: short session but intense that I call hiit style walks it is a powerful workout because of walking uphill, downhill while walking forward, backward and carrying dumbbells.

Muscle-Building - exercises -
--- Supersets - tri-set of 3 exercises of 8 counting reps ---
Legs: bodyweight - standing leg kicks - barre style - forward / backward / sideway
Glutes: dumbbell - glute bridges - three styles bridges - classic / sumo / plie
Chest: dumbbell: incline-seated: presses - underhand / overhand / hammer hand
Triceps: dumbbell: incline-seated: extensions - underhand / overhand / hammer hand
Biceps: dumbbell: incline-seated: curls - underhand / overhand / hammer hand
Back: dumbbell: incline-seated: pullovers - underhand / overhand / hammer hand

Notes: short session - Intense - because of superset format -

--- Intuitive - Muscle Movements - Instinctive ---
Many Minutes of Calisthenics with a Variety of Animal Flow Sequences

Notes: playing in the flowing body with random muscle movement while touching the earth of grass and ground with intuitive hands and instinctive barefoot. A timeless spiritual experience.

Sunday - FUELING - Intuitive FOOD and Instinctive FASTING
Notes: Dry Fasting with Two Eating Windows: Sunrise and Sunset
Sunrise Fueling
- drink: black coffee / herbal teas /orange juice (added water, electrolytes)
- aged cheese (probiotics) / boiled eggs (protein-fat) / raw honey (carbs)
Sunset Fueling
- meal: bread-dough: pizza crust / toppings: chicken-bacon- cheeses-tomatoes
- meal: pork steak / honey / white pepper / peanuts / spring-onions-chives (from my garden)
- milkshake: raw-cherries / cashews / Jersey cow milk / whey protein powder / chocolate

Notes: my body craving more meaty protein, ate a pork steak while eating the meaty pizza meal.

Next Post: Diary - Weekly Training-Fueling: June 9th-15th


Jami --- Jami Lynn Antella --- My name is Jami, a female from Wisconsin (USA).

Jami Lynn is my first, middle name, and Antella is my higher self-name. A Libra sign, a dragon Chinese sign, and born on September 24th.

I live on a farm living a simple life that loves writing words as a passionate hobby.

I know, not a great blogger or the greatest writer of words but I do love blogging a post in this timeline is a mission. Not trying to influence anybody of anything anymore because everyone has their journey on earth.

In the past, was trying to be somebody, but now discovered a more peaceful incarnation by not trying to be someone and just love being part of the human journey, as Jami.