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July Diary Two - Daily Fitness, Food, and Log Life Notes: July 7th-July 13th

- Just a Daily-Weekly Log - Logging of Training, Fueling and Life Notes - July

Just a Daily-Weekly Fitness Log - Logging of Training and Fueling - July

Week of Training / Fueling Log: July 7th-July 13th

Noted: A week with daily workouts and food-fasting, with diary of life notes.


SATURDAY -Training: Rest-Recovery Day
Notes: Felt like the right day for a rest day.

SATURDAY - FUELING - Intuitive FOOD and Instinctive FASTING
Notes: Dry Fasting with Two Eating Windows: Sunrise and Sunset
Sunrise Fueling
- drink: black coffee / herbal teas / orange juice (added water, electrolytes)
- meal: aged cheese (probiotics) / boiled eggs (protein-fat) / raw honey (carbs)
Sunset Fueling
- sandwiches: turkey bacon / eggs-avocado / sweet sour sauce / toasted garlic butter bread
- drink: orange juice (added water-ice, electrolytes)
- milkshake: wild raspberries / garden raspberries / Jersey cow ice cream
-- farmer/home-made: ice cream: cream-milk, egg yolks, vanilla beans, honey
Notes: The sandwiches were so good on Friday, decided to eat a repeat meal.


FRIDAY-Training: Intuitive Strength and Instinctive Muscles
Notes: Just Farmer Walks Day with dumbbell and barbell with flat terrain plus uphill and downhill.

Just Farmer Walks Themed Day
Two Sessions: Afternoon and Before Sunset

Dumbbell Farmer Walks / Flat Terrain
Dumbbell Farmer Walks - Classic Both Arms and Unilateral Arms
- flat terrain: forward/backward /forward/backward
handgrip: underhand/overhand / hammer/ hammer-reverse

Barbell Farmer Walks / Flat Terrain
Barbell Walk Farmer Walks - Weightless Bar and Weighted Bar
- flat terrain: forward/backward /forward/backward
bar placement: back/shoulders/overhead/front/ grip: underhand/overhand

Dumbbell Farmer Walks / Uphill/Downhill Terrain
Dumbbell Farmer Walks - Classic Both Arms and Unilateral Arms
- flat terrain: forward/backward /forward/backward
handgrip: underhand/overhand / hammer/ hammer-reverse

Barbell Farmer Walks / Uphill/Downhill Terrain
Barbell Walk Farmer Walks - Weightless Bar and Weighted Bar
- flat terrain: forward/backward /forward/backward
bar placement: back/shoulders/overhead/front/ grip: underhand/overhand

FRIDAY - FUELING - Intuitive FOOD and Instinctive FASTING
Notes: Dry Fasting with Two Eating Windows: Sunrise and Sunset
Sunrise Fueling
- drink: black coffee / herbal teas / orange juice (added water, electrolytes)
- meal: aged cheese (probiotics) / boiled eggs (protein-fat) / raw honey (carbs)
Sunset Fueling
- sandwich: turkey bacon / eggs-avocado / sweet sour sauce / toasted garlic butter bread
- drink: orange juice (added water-ice, electrolytes)
- milkshake: wild raspberries / garden raspberries / Jersey cow ice cream
-- farmer/home-made: ice cream: cream-milk, egg yolks, vanilla beans, honey

Notes: In a sandwich mood, and decided to make something new. My inspiration was from avocado toast but sandwiches of toasted garlic buttered bread then added turkey bacon, fried egg with soft yoke, and slices of avocado with a drizzle of sweet sour sauce. It was simple but tasted so good. Plus a raspberry milkshake with wild red raspberries and garden black raspberries mixed.

THURSDAY-Training: Intuitive Strength and Instinctive Muscles
Notes: Wednesday was a high-intensity day and on this day was a light intensity with long-holding yoga poses-stretches with chi tapping.

One - long - Session: Before Sunset
Many Minutes of Relax Flow
-- Random Stretches with Chi Tapping and Yin Yoga --
Chi Tapping: Tap with Hands-Stick-Tapper of 1 min
-- Tap: face-head / abs-core / arms / legs-glutes / chest-back / shoulders
Yin Yoga: Variety of Floor Poses and Random Stretches with straps.
--- Long Holding Poses and Stretches of 1 min / 4 min / 8 min

THURSDAY - FUELING - Intuitive FOOD and Instinctive FASTING
Notes: Dry Fasting with Two Eating Windows: Sunrise and Sunset
Sunrise Fueling
- drink: black coffee / herbal teas / orange juice (added water, electrolytes)
- meal: aged cheese (probiotics) / boiled eggs (protein-fat) / raw honey (carbs)
Sunset Fueling
- stir-fry: chicken strips / butter / tofu / variety: vegetables-herbs
-- stir-fry: rice noodles / coconut oil / soy sauce / sweet sour sauce
- drink: orange juice (added water-ice, electrolytes)
- milkshake: wild raspberries / garden raspberries / Jersey cow ice cream
-- farmer/home-made: ice cream: cream-milk, egg yolks, vanilla beans, honey

Notes: Was feeling a stir-fry meal. First started with chicken strips cooked in butter then added tofu, a variety of vegetables-herbs plus rice noodles with coconut oil, soy sauce, and sweet sour sauce. A raspberry milkshake with wild red raspberries and garden black raspberries mixed.


WEDNESDAY-Training: Intuitive Strength and Instinctive Muscles
Notes: Feeling high-intensity workout with farmer walks, presses, thrusts, curls, squats, rows, deadlifts, etc. Training with a variety of incline-flat-decline angles plus different footholds-handgrips and barbell-dumbbell positioning. My purpose is to hit a variety of muscles and create mobility in the body with multidimensional movements via intuitive and instinctive feelings.

Session One: Afternoon
--- Counting Reps (4 Sets) or One-Minute Sets (4 Sets) ---

Weighted-Barbell: Farmer Walks / Flat Terrain
Barbell Walk Farmer Walks - Barbell - Barefoot
- flat terrain: forward/backward /forward/backward/ forward/backward
- bar placement: back/shoulders/overhead/front/ grip: underhand/overhand

Weighted-Dumbbells-Bench-Bars: Chest, Triceps, Shoulders, Abs
handgrips: underhand, overhand, hammer, hammer-reverse
chest-presses-flyes: seated: incline, flat, decline / dips
triceps-presses-extensions: seated: incline, flat, decline / dips
shoulder-presses-raises: seated: incline, flat, decline / dips
abs: crunches / sit-ups: incline, flat, decline

Weighted-Barbell-Bench: Glutes: Banded Hip Thrusts
- Bar position: on hips with glute bands - Barefoot
classic foothold: thrust / banded-circuits-holds / thrust / jump-walkout
sumo foothold: thrust / banded-circuits-holds / thrust / jump-walkout
plie foothold: thrust / banded-circuits-holds / thrust / jump-walkout
frog foothold: thrust / banded-circuits-holds / thrust / jump-walkout

Session Two: Afternoon
--- Counting Reps (4 Sets) or One-Minute Sets (4 Sets) ---

Weighted-Dumbbells-Bench-Bar: Back, Biceps, Abs
handgrips: underhand, overhand, hammer, hammer-reverse
bicep-curls: seated: incline, flat, decline /circuit mix: front, wide, hammer
back-rows-pulls: seated: incline, flat, decline /circuit mix: pull-ups/chin-ups
abs: crunches / sit-ups: incline, flat, decline

Weighted-Barbell: Legs-Glutes: Squats-Deadlifts
- bar placement: back/shoulders /overhead/front/ - Barefoot
classic foothold: rdl-squat / stiff-squat / good-mornings-squat
sumo foothold: rdl-squat / stiff-squat / good-mornings-squat
plie foothold: rdl-squat / stiff-squat / good-mornings-squat
goblet foothold: rdl-squat / stiff-squat / good-mornings-squat

Weighted-Barbell: Farmer Walks / Flat Terrain
Barbell Walk Farmer Walks - Barbell - Barefoot
- flat terrain: forward/backward /forward/backward/ forward/backward
- bar placement: back/shoulders/overhead/front/ grip: underhand/overhand

WEDNESDAY - FUELING - Intuitive FOOD and Instinctive FASTING
Notes: Dry Fasting with Two Eating Windows: Sunrise and Sunset
Sunrise Fueling
- drink: black coffee / herbal teas / orange juice (added water, electrolytes)
- meal: aged cheese (probiotics) / boiled eggs (protein-fat) / raw honey (carbs)
Sunset Fueling
- taco-salad: ground beef / tortilla-chips / salsa-sour-cream-avocado-honey
-- dried: spices-herbs-peppers / garden: onion-greens, lettuce-cilantro-tomatoes
- drink: orange juice (added water-ice, electrolytes)
- milkshake: blended-sliced bananas-cherries / Jersey cow ice cream
-- farmer/home-made: ice cream: cream-milk, egg yolks, vanilla beans, honey

Notes: A taco salad with ground beef seasoned with a variety of dried spices and herbs. Once cooked put into a bowl with a dressing I made with salsa, sour cream, avocado, and honey. Along with onion greens, lettuce, cilantro, and cherry tomatoes. My high-calorie milkshake with purpose for muscle-building calories via proteins-fats from milk-eggs-etc. and carbs from fruit-honey-etc.


TUESDAY-Training: Intuitive Strength and Instinctive Muscles
Notes: Hot, humid, and buggy bugs day, therefore decided on indoor sessions. On Monday, it was high high-intensity and on this day I wanted light intensity such as Pilates and Yoga type of training. I am calling it Kicks-n-Circles and Twists-n-Circles into two versions standing and on-the-floor format. Along with Cardio Circuits mixed in with Indoor Exercise Bike Cycling.

Session One: Afternoon

Cardio Circuit - Indoor Exercise Bike Cycling: leg pedaling and arms moving -

Standing: Pilates-Yoga: Kicks-n-Circles: ankle-wrist weights
Glutes - kickbacks-lifts-circles / lateral- sidekicks-lifts-circles
Legs - front-back-kicks-lifts-circles / lateral- sidekicks-lifts-circles
Abs-Legs - ankle weights - leg lifts-twists-sideways-holds
Yoga - poses with ankle and wrist weights for extra intensity
- variety: warrior poses with updog-downdog - variety: tree poses -

Cardio Circuit - Indoor Exercise Bike Cycling: leg pedaling and arms moving -

Standing: Pilates-Yoga: Twists-n-Circles: weighted ball, ankle-wrist weights
Arms - forward: circles-waves-lifts-twists-holds
Arms - backward: circles-waves-lifts-twists-holds
Arms - sideways: circles-waves-lifts-twists-holds
Abs-Arms - weighted ball - arm lifts-twists-sideways-holds
Arms-Yoga - variety of arm stretches-twists-holds

Cardio Circuit - Indoor Exercise Bike Cycling: leg pedaling and arms moving -

Session Two: Later Afternoon

Cardio Circuit - Indoor Exercise Bike Cycling: leg pedaling and arms moving -

Floor: Pilates-Yoga: Twists-n-Circles: weighted ball, ankle-wrist weights
Arms - forward: circles-waves-lifts-twists-holds
Arms - backward: circles-waves-lifts-twists-holds
Arms - sideways: circles-waves-lifts-twists-holds
Abs-Arms - weighted ball - arm lifts-twists-sideways-holds
Arms-Yoga - variety of arm stretches-twists-holds

Cardio Circuit - Indoor Exercise Bike Cycling: leg pedaling and arms moving -

Floor: Pilates-Yoga: Kicks-n- Circles: weighted ball, ankle-wrist weights
Glutes - kickbacks-lifts-circles / lateral- sidekicks-lifts-circles
Legs - front-back-kicks-lifts-circles / lateral- sidekicks-lifts-circles
Abs-Legs - weighted ball - leg lifts-twists-sideways-holds
Yoga - stretches with stretching bands for leg stretches
- poses: pigeon-dove-butterfly - variety: stretches-twists-poses-holds

Cardio Circuit - Indoor Exercise Bike Cycling: leg pedaling and arms moving -

TUESDAY - FUELING - Intuitive FOOD and Instinctive FASTING
Notes: Dry Fasting with Two Eating Windows: Sunrise and Sunset
Sunrise Fueling
- drink: black coffee / herbal teas / orange juice (added water, electrolytes)
- meal: aged cheese (probiotics) / boiled eggs (protein-fat) / raw honey (carbs)
Sunset Fueling
- two seafood pizzas: pizza crust (bread dough)/ cold/cooked
-- leftover seafood-salad / added: tomatoes, onion greens, mozzarella cheese
- drink: orange juice (added water, electrolytes)
- milkshake: blended bananas / sliced bananas / Jersey cow ice cream
-- farmer/home-made: ice cream: cream-milk, egg yolks, vanilla beans, honey

Meal Notes: Leftover seafood salad, that I made into two pizzas. One as a cold salad pizza then the other with the same toppings as a cooked pizza. Took the frozen bread dough out to unthaw, rise, and shape it into two pizza crusts. For the cold pizza, I baked just the crust first then added the cold toppings. For the cooked pizza, put the cold toppings on raw dough then put into the oven.

Body Notes: This week craving bananas and I am listening to the guidance to eat them. Added banana into my muscle-building milkshake with blended and sliced bananas in my milkshake.

Garden Notes: I added to the pizzas from my garden cherry tomatoes and spring onion greens. Exciting my first tomatoes of the season from my garden are yellow pear cherry tomatoes. My favorite garden food to plant is tomatoes, I planted a tomato patch with a variety of variations. And, I always have sprouting onions growing in pots. I just use the greens to add flavor to meals. Instead of using an onion once with just using the greens, I have onion greens year-round.


MONDAY-Training: Intuitive Strength and Instinctive Muscles
Notes: Unilateral training with double finishers and core circuits into two-afternoon sessions.

Session One: Afternoon
--- Counting Reps (4 Sets) or One-Minute Sets (4 Sets) ---

Unilateral Lower-standing - dumbbells: light with ankle-wrist weights
- forward lunge: static-lunge-static-lunge / double walk-forward-lunge
- reverse lunge: static-lunge-static-lunge / double walk-backward-lunge
- curtsy lunge: static-lunge-static-lunge / double walk-curtsy-lunge
- single-leg step-ups: step-static-step-static / double jump-up/down-box
Core-Circuits: Crawling-Core: animal walking - bear-alligator-crab

Unilateral Upper-standing - dumbbells: light, medium, heavy
- chest-standing: unilateral press-fly / double presses-flyes
- back-bicep-standing: unilateral row-curl / double rows-curls
- triceps-standing: unilateral extension-press / double extensions-presses
- shoulders-standing: unilateral press-raise / double presses-raises
Core-Circuits: Walking-Core: walk push-ups into high-low-reverse-plank

Session Two: Afternoon
--- Counting Reps (4 Sets) or One-Minute Sets (4 Sets) ---

Unilateral Lower-standing - dumbbells: light with ankle-wrist weights
- single-leg squat: static-squat-static-squat / double walk-forward-squat
- single-leg rdl: static-lifts-static-lifts / double walk-backward-squat
- lateral lunge: static-lunge-static-lunge / double walk-lateral-lunge
- single-leg step-ups: step-static-step-static / double jump-up/down-box
Core-Circuits: Crawling-Core: animal walking - bear-alligator-crab

Unilateral Upper-seated - dumbbells: light, medium, heavy
- chest-seated: unilateral press-fly / double presses-flyes
- back-bicep-seated: unilateral row-curl / double rows-curls
- triceps-seated: unilateral extension-press / double extensions-presses
- shoulders- seated: unilateral press-raise / double presses-raises
Core-Circuits: Walking-Core: walk push-ups into high-low-reverse-plank

MONDAY - FUELING - Intuitive FOOD and Instinctive FASTING
Notes: Dry Fasting with Two Eating Windows: Sunrise and Sunset
Sunrise Fueling
- drink: black coffee / herbal teas / orange juice (added water, electrolytes)
- meal: aged cheese (probiotics) / boiled eggs (protein-fat) / raw honey (carbs)
Sunset Fueling
- seafood-salad: clams-oysters-mussels (canned) / shrimp (frozen-unthawed)
-- salad: elbow-pasta / celery-onions-pickles / mayo-dry-fresh-herbs / veggie chips
- drink: orange juice (added water, electrolytes)
- home-made-protein-bar: chocolatey nutty fruity bars
-- mixed-nuts-dried-fruits / cocoa-power-flour-butter-eggs / chocolate chips
- milkshake: chocolatey nutty fruity bar / Jersey cow ice cream
-- farmer/home-made: ice cream: cream-milk, egg yolks, vanilla beans, honey

Notes: A hot and humid and I wanted something cool to eat. Made a cold seafood salad of clams, oysters, mussels, and shrimp with elbow pasta, celery, onions, pickles, a variety of herbs, and mayo. Made at sunrise then sat in the fridge to marinate the flavors until sunset. Then eaten with veggie chips for the crunch effect and extra flavor. Made a big bowl there are leftovers for Tuesday's meal.

In addition, I made a large pan of protein bars and froze the bars to eat or add to other recipes anytime. I am calling them chocolatey nutty fruity bars with a variety of mixed nuts-dried-fruits, cocoa powder, flour, butter, eggs, and chocolate chips. Then a chocolatey nutty fruity milkshake.


SUNDAY-Training - Rest-Recovery Day
Notes: Wanted my muscles to be rested with a rest day for the upcoming week of training.

SUNDAY - FUELING - Intuitive FOOD and Instinctive FASTING
Notes: Dry Fasting with Two Eating Windows: Sunrise and Sunset
Sunrise Fueling
- drink: black coffee / herbal teas / orange juice (added water, electrolytes)
- meal: aged cheese (probiotics) / boiled eggs (protein-fat) / raw honey (carbs)
Sunset Fueling
- steak: pork steak / dried seasonings-herbs / brown sugar
- snack: almonds / cashews / hazel nuts / pistachios
- drink: orange juice (added water, electrolytes)
- milkshake: blended bananas / sliced bananas / Jersey cow ice cream
-- farmer/home-made: ice cream: cream-milk, egg yolks, vanilla beans, honey

Notes: Cooked frozen pork steak in the oven at first at high heat then low heat slow cook and a broiling finisher. The discount grocery store had mixed nuts on sale. Snacked on those nuts of almonds, cashews, hazelnuts, and pistachios. My body was craving the potassium in bananas, blended and sliced bananas in my milkshake creation filled with protein, fats, and carbs.


Jami --- Jami Lynn Antella --- My name is Jami, a female from Wisconsin (USA).

Jami Lynn is my first, middle name, and Antella is my higher self-name. A Libra sign, a dragon Chinese sign, and born on September 24th.

I live on a farm living a simple life that loves writing words as a passionate hobby.

I know, not a great blogger or the greatest writer of words but I do love blogging a post in this timeline is a mission. Not trying to influence anybody of anything anymore because everyone has their journey on earth.

In the past, was trying to be somebody, but now discovered a more peaceful incarnation by not trying to be someone and just love being part of the human journey, as Jami.