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July Diary Three - Daily Fitness, Food, and Log Life Notes: July 14th-July 20th

- Just a Daily-Weekly Log - Logging of Training, Fueling and Life Notes - July

Just a Daily-Weekly Fitness Log - Logging of Training and Fueling - July

Week of Training / Fueling Log: July 14th-July 20th

Noted: A week with daily workouts and food-fasting, with diary of life notes.


SATURDAY-Training: Active Day with Cardio Day of Hiking
Notes: An afternoon of hiking on flat and hilly terrain on the farmland of forests, crop fields, and meadows of wildflowers and wildlife. The autumn flowers that usually bloom in September are already blooming in July it is strange. It is like the vegetation planted by Mother Nature is early and the crops planted by humans are later such as the corn is smaller than it should be right now.

SATURDAY - FUELING - Intuitive FOOD and Instinctive FASTING
Notes: Dry Fasting with Two Eating Windows: Sunrise and Sunset
Sunrise Fueling
- drink: black coffee / herbal teas / orange juice (added water, electrolytes)
- meal: aged cheese (probiotics) / eggs (protein-fat) / raw honey (carbs)
Sunset Fueling
- meal: eggs / pork bacon / toasted bread / strawberry jelly / butter / milk
- snack: wild raspberries / garden raspberries / garden blueberries
- drink: orange juice (added water-ice, electrolytes)
- milkshake: strawberry jelly / Jersey cow ice cream
-- farmer/home-made: ice cream: cream-milk, egg yolks, vanilla beans, honey

Notes: For some reason was feeling nostalgic for the past with my grandparents now gone, this meal was a reflection of that moment in my life. It was a sunrise type of meal but at sunset with eggs, bacon, toasted bread with jelly, butter, and drank milk. My grandparents who used to live in the farmhouse I live in now, which is over one hundred years old, ate that meal every morning with coffee. Then the muscle-building milkshake added strawberry jelly with Jersey cow milk and ice cream mix. And snacked on fresh berries while picking berries for others, and freezing for future.


FRIDAY-Training: Full Rest Day
Notes: The first rest day of this week for recovery of the muscles and body. Even though still move by doing yard, garden, and farm chores of cardio movement. Also, wanted the extra time to get all prettied up with feminine female energy for the evening with a masculine male friend.

FRIDAY - FUELING - Intuitive FOOD and Instinctive FASTING
Notes: Dry Fasting with Two Eating Windows: Sunrise and Sunset
Sunrise Fueling
- drink: black coffee / herbal teas / orange juice (added water, electrolytes)
- meal: aged cheese (probiotics) / eggs (protein-fat) / raw honey (carbs)
Sunset Fueling
- grilling: grilled beef steaks (ribeye) / grilled sweetcorn cobs
-- stir-fry: ramen noodles (bone broth, herbs, pan-fried eggs)
--- salad: lettuces, tomatoes, onions, celery, variety-herbs, avocado
- dessert: lemon bars / Jersey cow ice cream
-- home-baked: bars: flour, eggs, butter, lemon juice, sugars: powdered, cane
-- farmer/home-made: ice cream: cream-milk, egg yolks, vanilla beans, honey
- movie-night-snacks: beer / air-popped popcorn (coconut oil)

Notes: Get together again, this week with the hunting male friend. This time, not elk meat but grilled beef ribeye. For some reason, he likes to feed me and I enjoy it too because I am a foodie.

Grilled ribeye beefsteaks on an outdoor grill the meat is from a Black Angus and Hereford cross steer. Then, indoors I cooked stir-fried ramen noodles with bone broth and a variety of herbs. Then after noodles were fully cooked added fried eggs with soft yolks on the top, with the grilled steaks and sweetcorn on the cob. Before the main meal a simple garden salad with a variety of garden herbs, lettuces, tomatoes, onions, celery, and from the grocery store avocado.

For dessert, I baked lemon bars crumbled onto Jersey cow milk vanilla ice cream. Later, for movie night drank beer and snack on air-popped popcorn with coconut oil and a sprinkling of salt.


THURSDAY-Training: Intuitive Strength and Instinctive Muscles
Notes: Feeling fueled, strong, and energized for a high-intensity training day. Traditional exercises of squats, deadlifts, and hip thrusts as well as bicep curls with triceps extensions, back rows with shoulder raises, plus shoulder press with chest presses-flyes and ab exercises.

Format: MINI TRAINING SESSIONS: Outdoor/Indoor
-- The Variety of Exercises throughout the Day on this Day --

Weighted-Barbell: Classic Squats with Classic Deadlifts then Classic Hip Thrusts
- Classic - rdl-squat / stiff-squat / good-mornings-squat / jump-walk-squats
- Classic - hip thrusting / glute-banded-circuits / thrust-holds / jump-walkout
Holds: classic, tip-toe, on heels, elevated

Dumbbell-Incline-Bench: Biceps, Triceps, Back, Shoulders, Chest, Abs
- handgrip: underhand/overhand / hammer/hammer-reverse
Incline-Bench: Curls-Extensions, Rows-Raises, Press-Presses-Flyes
Abs-Incline-Bench: Crunches, Sit-Ups, Twists

Weighted-Barbell: Sumo Squats with Sumo Deadlifts then Sumo Hip Thrusts
- Sumo - rdl-squat / stiff-squat / good-mornings-squat / jump-walk-squats
- Sumo - hip thrusting / glute-banded-circuits / thrust-holds / jump-walkout
Holds: classic, tip-toe, on heels, elevated

Dumbbell-Flat-Bench: Biceps, Triceps, Back, Shoulders, Chest, Abs
- handgrip: underhand/overhand / hammer/hammer-reverse
Flat-Bench: Curls-Extensions, Rows-Raises, Press-Presses-Flyes
Abs-Flat-Bench: Crunches, Sit-Ups, Twists

Weighted-Barbell: Plie Squats with Plie Deadlifts then Plie Hip Thrusts
- Plie - rdl-squat / stiff-squat / good-mornings-squat / jump-walk-squats
- Plie - hip thrusting / glute-banded-circuits / thrust-holds / jump-walkout
Holds: classic, tip-toe, on heels, elevated

Dumbbell-Decline-Bench: Biceps, Triceps, Back, Shoulders, Chest, Abs
- handgrip: underhand/overhand / hammer/hammer-reverse
Decline-Bench: Curls-Extensions, Rows-Raises, Press-Presses-Flyes
Abs-Decline-Bench: Crunches, Sit-Ups, Twists

Weighted-Barbell: Goblet Squats with Goblet Deadlifts then Frog Hip Thrusts
- Goblet - rdl-squat / stiff-squat / good-mornings-squat / jump-walk-squats
- Frog - hip thrusting / glute-banded-circuits / thrust-holds / jump-walkout
Holds: classic, tip-toe, on heels, elevated

Dumbbell-Standing-Bent: Biceps, Triceps, Back, Shoulders, Chest, Abs
- handgrip: underhand/overhand / hammer/hammer-reverse
Standing: Curls-Extensions, Rows-Raises, Press-Presses-Flyes
Abs-Standing-Sitting: Crunches, Sit Ups, Twists

THURSDAY - FUELING - Intuitive FOOD and Instinctive FASTING
Notes: Dry Fasting with Two Eating Windows: Sunrise and Sunset
Sunrise Fueling
- drink: black coffee / herbal teas / orange juice (added water, electrolytes)
- meal: aged cheese (probiotics) / eggs (protein-fat) / raw honey (carbs)
Sunset Fueling
- sandwiches: breaded chicken strips (breadcrumbs-flour-egg, coconut-oil)
-- honey-mustard-mayo / lettuce-tomatoes-pickles-onions / bread-buns
- snack: wild raspberries / garden raspberries / garden blueberries
- drink: orange juice (added water-ice, electrolytes)
- milkshake: chocolatey nutty fruity bar / Jersey cow ice cream
-- farmer/home-made: ice cream: cream-milk, egg yolks, vanilla beans, honey

Notes: Baked bread for the sandwiches from frozen dough and shaped into buns. Breaded chicken strips with breadcrumbs, flour, and egg, then cooked in coconut oil. Along with made a sandwich sauce of honey mixed with yellow mustard plus mayo then added garden lettuce with tomatoes, onions, and pickles. The snacking on berries and the milkshake was a repeat of Wednesday.


WEDNESDAY-Training: Intuitive Strength and Instinctive Muscles
Notes: A routine that I titled Kicks-n-Circles that I have been adding to my weekly training is influenced by Pilates-Yoga-Barre. Along with my style of exercises with a variety of movements, handholds, and footholds added into the mix to create a balanced muscle and supple body.

-- The Variety of Exercises throughout the Day on this Day --

Power Yoga Circuit - warrior poses - updog/downdog - tree poses -
-- weighted ball, ankle weights, wrist weights --

STANDING: Pilates-Yoga-Barre: Kicks-n-Circles
-- weighted ball, ankle weights, wrist weights --
Glute Kicks - kickbacks - frontkicks - sidekicks
Arms forward - circles - waves - lifts - arm twists
Leg Circles - forward - backward - lateral
Arms lateral - circles - waves - lifts - arm twists
Ab - Lifts - leg ball lifts - arm ball lifts - core ball twists

Power Yoga Circuit - warrior poses - updog/downdog - tree poses -
-- weighted ball, ankle weights, wrist weights --

FLOOR-MAT: Pilates-Yoga-Barre: Kicks-n-Circles
-- weighted ball, ankle weights, wrist weights --
Glute Kicks - kickbacks - frontkicks - sidekicks
Arms sitting - circles - waves - lifts - arm twists
Leg Circles - forward - backward - lateral
Arms lateral laying - circles - waves - lifts - arm twists
Ab - Lifts - leg ball lifts - arm ball lifts - core ball twists

Power Yoga Circuit - warrior poses - updog/downdog - tree poses -
-- weighted ball, ankle weights, wrist weights --

WEDNESDAY - FUELING - Intuitive FOOD and Instinctive FASTING
Notes: Dry Fasting with Two Eating Windows: Sunrise and Sunset
Sunrise Fueling
- drink: black coffee / herbal teas / orange juice (added water, electrolytes)
- meal: aged cheese (probiotics) / eggs (protein-fat) / raw honey (carbs)
Sunset Fueling
- two pizzas with different toppings: pizza crust (bread dough)
-- one: ground beef / bbq-sauce / onions-peppers / mozzarella
-- two: ground beef / mayo-garlic-sauce / corn-tomatoes / mozzarella
- snack: wild raspberries / garden raspberries / garden blueberries
- drink: orange juice (added water-ice, electrolytes)
- milkshake: chocolatey nutty fruity bar / Jersey cow ice cream
-- farmer/home-made: ice cream: cream-milk, egg yolks, vanilla beans, honey

Foodie Notes: Two pizzas, crust from frozen bread dough, un-thawed, rise, and shaped into pizza crusts. Pizza one with ground beef, BBQ sauce, onions peppers, and mozzarella cheese. Pizza two with ground beef, garlic-mayo sauce plus sweet corn, cherry tomatoes, and mozzarella cheese.

Then crumbled into my muscle-building milkshake, added chocolatey nutty fruity bars that I made weeks ago that I froze to eat on anytime. The chocolatey nutty fruity bars were made with mixed roasted nuts, mixed dried fruit, cocoa powder, flour, butter, eggs, and chocolate chips.

Garden Notes: Snacked on raspberries and blueberries. Fresh from the garden berries that I planted years ago and wild raspberries growing naturally planted by Mother Nature eons ago.


TUESDAY-Training: Intuitive Strength and Instinctive Muscles
Notes: Simplifying entries. Realizations as of lately blogging these diaries of my training takes time away from training. Decided to simplify with fewer details while still logging my fitness journey.

Format: MINI TRAINING SESSIONS: Outdoor/Indoor
-- The Variety of Exercises throughout the Day on this Day --

Strength Training Cardio: Barbell: Farmer Walks
- flat terrain: forward/backward /forward/backward
Plyometric: Hopping: Double Leg Hops / Single-Leg Hops

Calisthenics-Planks with Isometric-Holds
- Types of planks: high, low, sideways, reverse
Bodyweight: Animal Crawls: bear, alligator, crab

Body Build: Barbell-Bench: Heavy Weights
Squats-Deadlifts: with Back Rows and Bicep Curls
Plyometric: Jump Squats / Circuit Mix: Chin-Ups/Pull-Ups

TUESDAY - FUELING - Intuitive FOOD and Instinctive FASTING
Notes: Dry Fasting with Two Eating Windows: Sunrise and Sunset
Sunrise Fueling
- drink: black coffee / herbal teas / orange juice (added water, electrolytes)
- meal: aged cheese (probiotics) / eggs (protein-fat) / raw honey (carbs)
Sunset Fueling
- burger: ground beef / bread-buns / lettuce-tomatoes-pickles-onions
- drink: orange juice (added water-ice, electrolytes)
- milkshake: wild-garden raspberries / Jersey cow ice cream
-- farmer/home-made: ice cream: cream-milk, egg yolks, vanilla beans, honey

Notes: A repeat of Monday's meal a simple beef burger with lettuce, tomatoes, pickles, and onions, along with daily muscle building with a raspberry milkshake of Jersey cow milk and ice cream.


MONDAY-Training: Intuitive Strength and Instinctive Muscles
Notes: Feeling intuitively to add plyometric movements within strength training sessions.

Format: MINI TRAINING SESSIONS: Outdoor/Indoor
-- The Variety of Exercises throughout the Day on this Day --

Strength Training Cardio: Dumbbell: Farmer Walks
- flat terrain: forward/backward /forward/backward
Plyometric: Walking with Weighted Ball: Throws-Twists-Tosses

Calisthenics-Push-Ups with Isometric-Holds
- Types of pushups: chest, triceps, shoulders
Plyometric: Walking Push-Ups / Circuit Mix: Dip Bar Dips

Body Building Exercises: Barbell-Bench: Heavy Weights
- Hip Thrusts with Presses for Chest, Shoulders, Triceps
Plyometric: Hip Thrust Jumps-Hops then Standing Jumps-Hops

MONDAY - FUELING - Intuitive FOOD and Instinctive FASTING
Notes: Dry Fasting with Two Eating Windows: Sunrise and Sunset
Sunrise Fueling
- drink: black coffee / herbal teas / orange juice (added water, electrolytes)
- meal: aged cheese (probiotics) / eggs (protein-fat) / raw honey (carbs)
Sunset Fueling
- burger: ground beef / bread-buns / lettuce-tomatoes-pickles-onions
- drink: orange juice (added water-ice, electrolytes)
- milkshake: wild-garden raspberries / Jersey cow ice cream
-- farmer/home-made: ice cream: cream-milk, egg yolks, vanilla beans, honey

Notes: Was craving a simple beef burger with lettuce, tomatoes, pickles, and onions. Right now is an abundance of garden and wild raspberries, adding them to daily muscle-building milkshake.


SUNDAY-Training: Intuitive Strength and Instinctive Muscles
Notes: Mini training sessions throughout the day of the same exercises.

-- The Same Exercises throughout the Day on this Day --

Workout Mix: Lunges and Curls
Dumbbells - Classic Lunges a Lunge Hold with Front Curls then Standing Curls
Dumbbells - Curtsy Lunges a Lunge Hold with Wide Curls then Standing Curls
Dumbbells - Forward Lunge a Lunge Hold with Front Curls then Standing Curls
Dumbbells - Reverse Lunge a Lunge Hold with Wide Curls then Standing Curls
Template: lunge / lunge-hold while doing curls / standing straight curls

SUNDAY - FUELING - Intuitive FOOD and Instinctive FASTING
Notes: Dry Fasting with Two Eating Windows: Sunrise and Sunset
Sunrise Fueling
- drink: black coffee / herbal teas / orange juice (added water, electrolytes)
- meal: aged cheese (probiotics) / eggs (protein-fat) / raw honey (carbs)
Sunset Fueling
- burger: grilled ground elk meat / herbs-seasonings / bread-buns
- steak: grilled elk steak / herbs-seasonings
- drink: watermelon juice (blended: watermelon, added: lemon juice, lime juice)
- dessert: lemon bars / Jersey cow ice cream
-- home-baked: bars: flour, eggs, butter, lemon juice, sugars: powdered, cane
-- farmer/home-made: ice cream: cream-milk, egg yolks, vanilla beans, honey

Notes: My hunting friend who is a masculine male with an abundance of elk meat in his freezer grilled me some elk meat of burgers and steaks. I made a refreshing drink of sweet watermelon with juice from lemons and limes. Since he cooked the meat, I baked the dessert of lemon bars his favorite, I put vanilla ice cream in a bowl then on top crumbled the lemon bars, so delicious.


Jami --- Jami Lynn Antella --- My name is Jami, a female from Wisconsin (USA).

Jami Lynn is my first, middle name, and Antella is my higher self-name. A Libra sign, a dragon Chinese sign, and born on September 24th.

I live on a farm living a simple life that loves writing words as a passionate hobby.

I know, not a great blogger or the greatest writer of words but I do love blogging a post in this timeline is a mission. Not trying to influence anybody of anything anymore because everyone has their journey on earth.

In the past, was trying to be somebody, but now discovered a more peaceful incarnation by not trying to be someone and just love being part of the human journey, as Jami.