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July Diary Four- Daily Fitness Training and Food Fueling: July 21st-27th

- Just a Daily-Weekly Log - Logging of Training, Fueling and Life Notes - July

Just a Daily-Weekly Fitness Log - Logging of Training and Fueling - July

Week of Training / Fueling Log: July 21st-27th

Noted: Noted: A week with daily workouts and food-fasting, with diary of life notes.

Weekly Life Notes Noted: Hot and humid days with lots of sweaty moments from training, chores, and indoors with no indoor air conditioner that cools the air, just fans blowing. With all the sweating it was a peaceful, quiet, and calm week is so beautiful. Wow, summer is going by too fast.

Weekly Fitness Noted: Slowly adding sprinting back into my life. I am not a runner or a jogger type of person. I have always loved short sprinting sessions because it is short intense movement and gets the heart rate going. Easing my way back into sprinting so not too shocking for the body.

Weekly Food Noted: Been doing the format of dry fasting with two eating windows of sunrise and sunset for a few months now. However, getting the message from the body that it needs more calories. Also, want to add more high-intensity and heavier weights that require more calories to complement that type of training. I love fasting moments but also feel the beauty of fueling the body with food. Some months I feel like fasting more and then other times I feel like fueling more.


SATURDAY-Training: Intuitive Strength and Instinctive Muscles

Format: MINI TRAINING SESSIONS: Outdoor/Indoor
-- The Variety of Exercises throughout the Day on this Day -

Bodybuilding: Bench, Dumbbells, Barbell, Bands
Back/Biceps: Curls, Rows, Shoulder Raises
- incline bench - flat bench - decline bench - bent-over
handgrips: underhand, overhand, hammer, hammer-reverse
Leg-Glute: Barbell: Hip Thrusts, Squats, and Deadlifts
- thrust-rdl-squat/ thrust-stiff-squat/ thrust-good-mornings-squat
- barbell-bar: hips/front/shoulders/overhead/back
foothold: classic, sumo, plie, frog, goblet
Abs - Standing-Sitting - Weighted Ball: Twists and Lifts

Walking-Strength: Barbell
- Farmer Walks: backwards/forwards
-- barbell-Bar: front/shoulders/overhead/back

Anaerobic Exercise:
- One Short - Sprinting Session

SATURDAY - FUEL - Intuitive FOOD and Instinctive FUEL
Sunrise: coffee/teas/ cheese/eggs/honey
Noon: white fish/blueberries/ orange juice (water, electrolytes)
Sunset: Meal: Bread Chicken Strips Salad
-- meat-fats: breaded chicken strips / mayo / coconut oil
-- salad-carbs: lettuce/cilantro/tomatoes/ bread croutons /
- milkshake: bananas/ice cream (jersey cow milk, eggs, vanilla, honey)


FRIDAY -Training: Intuitive Strength and Instinctive Muscles

Format: MINI TRAINING SESSIONS: Outdoor/Indoor
-- The Variety of Exercises throughout the Day on this Day --

Bodybuilding: Bench, Dumbbells
Chest/Triceps/Shoulders: Presses, Extensions, Push-ups
- incline bench - flat bench - decline bench -
handgrips: underhand, overhand, hammer, hammer-reverse
Leg Day - Variety: Lunges, Step Ups, Split Squats
- incline - flat - decline - elevated - bulgarians
Abs - Sitting - Sit-Ups, Crunches
- incline bench - flat bench - decline bench -

Walking-Strength: Dumbbells
- Farmer Walks: backwards/forwards
-- underhand, overhand, hammer, hammer-reverse --

Anaerobic Exercise:
- One Short - Sprinting Session

FRIDAY - FUEL - Intuitive FOOD and Instinctive FUEL
Sunrise: coffee/teas/ cheese/eggs/honey
Noon: white fish/blueberries/ orange juice (water, electrolytes)
Sunset: Meal: Ground Beef Salad
-- meat-fats: ground beef /butter /avocado/goat cheese
-- salad-carbs: lettuce/cilantro/tomatoes/ bread croutons /
- milkshake: bananas/ice cream (jersey cow milk, eggs, vanilla, honey)


THURSDAY-Training: Full Rest Day

THURSDAY - FUEL - Intuitive FOOD and Instinctive FUEL
Sunrise: coffee/teas/ cheese/eggs/honey
Noon: beef jerky/dried fruit/ orange juice (water, electrolytes)
Sunset: Meal: Ground Beef and Rice with Veggies
-- meat-fats: ground beef / butter /coconut oil
-- salad-carbs: white rice / variety of veggies/herbs /
- milkshake: peanut butter /ice cream (jersey cow milk, eggs, vanilla, honey)


WEDNESDAY-Training: Intuitive Strength and Instinctive Muscles

Format: MINI TRAINING SESSIONS: Outdoor/Indoor
-- The Variety of Exercises throughout the Day on this Day -

Bodybuilding: Bench, Dumbbells, Barbell, Bands
Shoulders: Presses, Raises, Shoulder Push-Ups
- incline bench - flat bench - decline bench -
Leg-Glute: Squats and Deadlifts
- barbell-bar: front/shoulders/overhead/back
- foothold: classic, sumo, plie, goblet
- rdl-squat/stiff-squat/good-mornings-squat
Abs - Planks and Side-Planks with Weighted Ball

Walking-Strength: Barbell, Bodyweight
- Farmer Walks: backwards/forwards
-- barbell-Bar: front/shoulders/overhead/back

Plyometric-Calisthenics: Bodyweight
- Walking-Jumping Squats, Crawling Animal Crawls

Anaerobic Exercise:
- One Short - Sprinting Session

WEDNESDAY - FUEL - Intuitive FOOD and Instinctive FUEL
Sunrise: coffee/teas/ cheese/eggs/honey
Noon: goat cheese/black olives/ orange juice (water, electrolytes)
Sunset: Meal: Salmon and Salad
-- meat-fats: salmon/butter/ avocado
-- salad-carbs: lettuce/cilantro/tomatoes/bread croutons
- milkshake: blueberries /ice cream (jersey cow milk, eggs, vanilla, honey)


TUESDAY-Training: Intuitive Strength and Instinctive Muscles

Format: MINI TRAINING SESSIONS: Outdoor/Indoor
-- The Variety of Exercises throughout the Day on this Day -

Bodybuilding: Bench, Dumbbells, Barbell, Bands
Back/Biceps: Curls, Rows, Pull-Ups/Chin-Ups
- incline bench - flat bench - decline bench - bent-over
handgrips: underhand, overhand, hammer, hammer-reverse
Glutes: Bench: Hip Thrusts, Floor-Mat: Banded Glute Kicks
- thrusts/banded-circuits/thrust jump-walkout -
foothold: classic, sumo, plie, frog, tip-toe, on heels, elevated
Abs - Standing-Sitting - Weighted Ball: Twists and Lifts

Walking-Strength: Dumbbells, Bodyweight
- Farmer Walks: backwards/forwards
-- underhand, overhand, hammer, hammer-reverse --
- Walking Hip Thrusts, Standing Glute Kicks-Walks

Plyometric-Calisthenics: Bodyweight
- Jumping Hip Thrusts, Crawling Animal Crawls

Anaerobic Exercise:
- One Short - Sprinting Session

TUESDAY - FUEL - Intuitive FOOD and Instinctive FUEL
Sunrise: coffee/teas/ cheese/eggs/honey
Noon: chicken breast/black olives/ orange juice (water, electrolytes)
Sunset: Meal: Breaded Boneless Chicken Wings
-- meat-fats: boneless chicken wings/coconut oil
-- carbs: breaded chicken (breadcrumbs, flour, herbs, eggs)
- milkshake: mint/chocolate/ice cream (jersey cow milk, eggs, vanilla, honey)


MONDAY-Training: Intuitive Strength and Instinctive Muscles

Format: MINI TRAINING SESSIONS: Outdoor/Indoor
-- The Variety of Exercises throughout the Day on this Day --

Bodybuilding: Bench, Dumbbells
Chest/Triceps: Presses, Extensions, Dip Bar Dips
- incline bench - flat bench - decline bench -
handgrips: underhand, overhand, hammer, hammer-reverse
Leg Day - Variety: Lunges, Step Ups, Leg Kicks
- incline lunge - flat lunge - decline lunge -
Abs - Sitting - Sit-Ups, Crunches, Twists
- incline bench - flat bench - decline bench -

Walking-Strength: Dumbbells, Bodyweight
- Farmer Walks: backwards/forwards
-- underhand, overhand, hammer, hammer-reverse --
- Walking: Push-ups, Planks, Lunges

Plyometric-Calisthenics: Bodyweight
- Jumping Steps/Jumping Lunges/ Burpees

Anaerobic Exercise:
- One Short - Sprinting Session

MONDAY - FUEL - Intuitive FOOD and Instinctive FUEL
Sunrise: coffee/teas/ cheese/eggs/honey
Noon: chicken breast/raspberries/ orange juice (water, electrolytes)
Sunset: Meal: Steak and Salad
-- meat-fats: beef steak/butter /avocado/goat cheese
-- salad-carbs: lettuce/cilantro/tomatoes/ bread croutons
- milkshake: peanut butter/ice cream (jersey cow milk, eggs, vanilla, honey)


SUNDAY-Training: Intuitive Strength and Instinctive Muscles
Notes: A hiking session with trekking poles one in each hand on hilly hills of up and down hills.

-- The Exercises on this Day --
Cardio-Endurance: Long High Intensity Hilly Hiking Session

SUNDAY - FUEL - Intuitive FOOD and Instinctive FUEL
Sunrise: coffee/teas/ cheese/eggs/honey
Noon: goat cheese/tomatoes/ orange juice (water, electrolytes)
Sunset: Meal: Taco Salad
-- taco meat: ground beef/butter/ variety: spices-herbs-peppers
-- taco toppings: salsa/sour cream/lettuce-cilantro-tomatoes/tortilla chips
- milkshake: peanut butter/ice cream (jersey cow milk, eggs, vanilla, honey)


Jami --- Jami Lynn Antella --- My name is Jami, a female from Wisconsin (USA).

Jami Lynn is my first, middle name, and Antella is my higher self-name. A Libra sign, a dragon Chinese sign, and born on September 24th.

I live on a farm living a simple life that loves writing words as a passionate hobby.

I know, not a great blogger or the greatest writer of words but I do love blogging a post in this timeline is a mission. Not trying to influence anybody of anything anymore because everyone has their journey on earth.

In the past, was trying to be somebody, but now discovered a more peaceful incarnation by not trying to be someone and just love being part of the human journey, as Jami.