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August Diary One - Daily Training and Food Fueling: August 4th-10th

- Just a Daily-Weekly Log - Logging of Training, Fueling, and Life Notes - August

Just a Daily-Weekly Fitness Log - Logging of Training and Fueling - August

Week of Training / Fueling Log: August 4th-August 10th

Noted: A week with daily workouts and food-fasting, with diary of life notes.

Weekly Life Notes Noted: Last week was hot and humid and this week it was autumn-like weather that I had to put on a sweater. The cooler temperatures made training so much more enjoyable.

Weekly Fitness and Food Notes: Training with four days of strength with alternating days of light and high intensity along with two hiking days and one full rest day to finish the workout week.

Fasting and Fueling Notes: In the spring-summer months, I was in a fasting more cutting phase. Now summer-autumn months, I am in an eating more building phase. Below are my random thinking thoughts of comparing training while fasting with less food and fueling with more food.

When fasting with less food I have more energy for cardio and less strength. Then when fueling with more food I have more strength for training but less cardio energy. Even though do have energy through eating more. It is a different kind of feeling of energy, such as strength-energy from eating more compared to the cardio-energy from fasting more on a training day.

SATURDAY- Training: Intuitive STRENGTH and Instinctive MUSCLES
Format: High Intensity HIKING then a Relax STRETCHING: Outdoor

Hiking Session: Cardio Themed Training Day
-- Hiking and Trekking Trails (weighted backpack / trekking poles) -
--- Mixed terrain of flat forests and mountainous meadows -

Relaxation Session: Stretching Themed Training Day
-- Chi Energy Tapping with Hands-Stick-Tapper -
-- Yin Yoga Long Holding Stretches: Sitting and Laying Poses -
-- Random Stretches with Straps for Legs and Arms -

Saturday - FUEL - Intuitive FOOD and Instinctive FUEL
Sunrise: coffee and teas plus cheese, eggs, bread, and honey
Noon: watermelon / orange juice (water, electrolytes)
Sunset: Muenster Cheese Burgers Grilled on a Charcoal Grill
-- Bread-Buns (Grilled on Charcoal Grill)
-- Ground Beef (from Black Angus steer)
-- Muenster Cheese / Mayo with Honey Mustard
-- Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Peppers, Onions, Lettuce
Muscle Building: Root Beer Milkshake
--- ice cream (jersey cow milk-cream, eggs, vanilla, honey)
--- homemade root beer soda (purchased from local business)

FRIDAY- Training: Intuitive STRENGTH and Instinctive MUSCLES
Rest Day: Full Rest and Recovery Day

Friday - FUEL - Intuitive FOOD and Instinctive FUEL
Sunrise: coffee and teas plus cheese, eggs, and honey
Noon: eggs / garden zucchini-peppers / orange juice (water, electrolytes)
Sunset: Grilled Turkey Legs and Spaghetti Squash from Garden
-- Grilled Turkey Legs (Grilled on Charcoal Grill)
-- Spaghetti Squash (oven baked in oven with salted butter)
-- Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Peppers, Onions, Garlic
Muscle Building: Peanut Butter Milkshake
--- ice cream (jersey cow milk-cream, eggs, vanilla, honey)
--- peanut butter (natural peanut butter)

THURSDAY- Training: Intuitive STRENGTH and Instinctive MUSCLES
Format: Joy HIKING then a Relax STRETCHING: Outdoor

Hiking Session: Cardio Themed Training Day
-- Farmland Pole Hiking (two trekking poles, one in each hand) -
--- Mix of flat and hilly terrain of forests, fields, and fruity meadows -

Relaxation Session: Stretching Themed Training Day
-- Chi Energy Tapping with Hands-Stick-Tapper -
-- Yin Yoga Long Holding Stretches: Sitting and Laying Poses -
-- Random Stretches with Straps for Legs and Arms -

THURSDAY - FUEL - Intuitive FOOD and Instinctive FUEL
Sunrise: coffee and teas plus cheese, eggs, and honey
Noon: eggs / garden zucchini-peppers / orange juice (water, electrolytes)
Sunset: Turkey Bacon Grilled Cheese with Tomatoes, Cucumbers
-- Toasted Buttered Bread (baked from frozen bread dough)
-- Turkey Bacon (baked in the oven on cast iron)
-- Mozzarella Cheese / Muenster Cheese
-- Tomatoes and Cucumbers from Garden with Mayo
Muscle Building: Sugar Cookie Milkshake
--- ice cream (jersey cow milk-cream, eggs, vanilla, honey)
--- sugar cookie (flour, eggs, butter, vanilla, coconut sugar)

WEDNESDAY - Training: Intuitive STRENGTH and Instinctive MUSCLES
Format: One TRAINING Long SESSION: Indoor-Outdoor

Walking-Strength Session
- Barbell Farmer Walks - Forwards/Backwards/Sideways
-- barbell-bar: front/shoulders/overhead/back ---

Glute-Leg Day with Back, Biceps, Shoulders, and Core
- Barbell Squats-Deadlifts: Classic, Sumo, Plie, Goblet, RDL, Stiff, Good-Mornings
- Dumbbell Biceps: Incline-Decline-Standing: Curls: Front, Wide, Hammer, Reverse
- Barbell Glutes: Hip Thrusts: Classic, Sumo, Plie, Frog / Bodyweight Jumps-Walks
- Dumbbell Back-Shoulders: Incline-Decline-BentOver: Rows, Renegades, Raises
- Stability Ball: Core-Glutes: Ab Isometrics on Ball, Glute Brides-Rolls Feet on Ball
Finisher: Variety of Bar - Pull-Ups/Chin-Ups/Etc - Bars

Walking-Strength Session
- Barbell Farmer Walks - Forwards/Backwards/Sideways
-- barbell-bar: front/shoulders/overhead/back ---

Wednesday - FUEL - Intuitive FOOD and Instinctive FUEL
Sunrise: coffee and teas plus cheese, eggs, and honey
Noon: eggs / garden zucchini / orange juice (water, electrolytes)
Sunset: Ground Beef and Spaghetti Squash with Tomatoes from Garden
-- Ground Beef (cooked on cast iron with variety of seasonings-herbs)
-- Spaghetti Squash (oven baked in oven with salted butter)
-- Cherry Tomatoes / Onion Greens (added raw tomatoes, onions on top)
Muscle Building: Blended Peaches Milkshake
-- peaches / ice cream (jersey cow milk-cream, eggs, vanilla, honey)

TUESDAY- Training: Intuitive STRENGTH and Instinctive MUSCLES
Format: Two TRAINING SESSIONS: Outdoor

Session One: Late Afternoon
Plyometrics: Bodyweight: Jumps-n-Sprints
Jumps: short jumping session / Sprints: short sprinting session

Yoga, Planking, and Crawling with Calisthenics
Calisthenics - crawling animal crawls - walking push-ups
Planks - isometric planking - high, low, reverse plank, side-plank-holds
Yoga - warrior poses - updog/downdog - tree poses - hand-head-stands

Session Two: Before Sunset
Yoga, Planking, and Crawling with Calisthenics
Calisthenics - crawling animal crawls - walking push-ups
Planks - isometric planking - high, low, reverse plank, side-plank-holds
Yoga - warrior poses - updog/downdog - tree poses - hand-head-stands

Plyometrics: Bodyweight: Jumps-n-Sprints
Jumps: short jumping session / Sprints: short sprinting session

TUESDAY - FUEL - Intuitive FOOD and Instinctive FUEL
Sunrise: coffee and teas plus cheese, eggs, and honey
Noon: eggs / garden tomatoes / orange juice (water, electrolytes)
Sunset: Two Homemade Pizzas: Different Toppings
- Both Pizzas: Frozen Bread Dough (cut in half = two pizzas)
- Pizza: mozzarella, cauliflower, canned crabmeat, herbs-onion, mayo/roasted garlic sauce
- Pizza: cheddar, bratwursts-hotdogs, pickles-onions-tomatoes, sour cream/honey mustard sauce
Muscle Building: Blended Peanut-Butter Milkshake
--- ice cream (jersey cow milk-cream, eggs, vanilla, honey)
--- peanut butter (natural peanut butter)

MONDAY - Training: Intuitive STRENGTH and Instinctive MUSCLES
Format: One TRAINING Long SESSION: Indoor-Outdoor

Walking-Strength Session
- Dumbbell Farmer Walks - Forwards/Backwards
- Dumbbell Walking Lunges - Forwards/Backwards
- Bodyweight Jump Lunges - Jumping-Lunges

Leg Day with Chest, Triceps, Shoulders, and Abs
- Barbell Legs: Lunges: Static, Elevated, Curtsy
- Dumbbell Chest-Shoulders: Incline-Flat-Decline: Presses, Flyes
- Dumbbell Legs: Split Squats: Bulgarians, Single Leg RDL
- Dumbbell Triceps: Incline-Flat-Decline: Presses, Extensions
- Dumbbell Abs: Incline-Flat-Decline: Crunches, Sit-Ups, Twists
Finisher: Variety of Dip Bar Dips

Walking-Strength Session
- Dumbbell Farmer Walks - Forwards/Backwards
- Dumbbell Walking Lunges - Forwards/Backwards
- Bodyweight Jump Lunges - Jumping-Lunges

Monday - FUEL - Intuitive FOOD and Instinctive FUEL
Sunrise: coffee and teas plus cheese, eggs, and honey
Noon: beef jerky / garden tomatoes / orange juice (water, electrolytes)
Sunset: Breaded Chicken Strips and Cauliflower from Garden
-- Breaded Chicken Strips (breadcrumbs, flour-egg, coconut oil)
-- Stir-Fry Cauliflower (salted butter, honey, white pepper)
Muscle Building: Blended Banana Milkshake
-- bananas / ice cream (jersey cow milk-cream, eggs, vanilla, honey)

SUNDAY - Training: Intuitive STRENGTH and Instinctive MUSCLES
Format: One TRAINING Long SESSION: Outdoor

Power Yoga Circuit and Sprinting
- One Short Sprinting Session -
Yoga - warrior poses - updog/downdog - tree poses -
-- weighted ball, ankle weights, wrist weights --

STANDING: Pilates-Yoga-Barre: Kicks-n-Circles
-- weighted ball, ankle weights, wrist weights --
Glute Kicks - kickbacks - frontkicks - sidekicks
Arms forward - circles - waves - lifts - twists
Leg Circles - forward - backward - lateral
Arms lateral - circles - waves - lifts - arm twists
Ab - Lifts - leg ball lifts - arm ball lifts - core ball twists

Power Yoga Circuit and Sprinting
- One Short Sprinting Session -
Yoga - warrior poses - updog/downdog - tree poses -
-- weighted ball, ankle weights, wrist weights --

FLOOR-MAT: Pilates-Yoga-Barre: Kicks-n-Circles
-- weighted ball, ankle weights, wrist weights --
Glute Kicks - kickbacks - frontkicks - sidekicks
Arms sitting - circles - waves - lifts - twists
Leg Circles - forward - backward - lateral
Arms lateral laying - circles - waves - lifts - arm twists
Ab - Lifts - leg ball lifts - arm ball lifts - core ball twists

Power Yoga Circuit and Sprinting
- One Short Sprinting Session -
Yoga - warrior poses - updog/downdog - tree poses -
-- weighted ball, ankle weights, wrist weights --

Sunday - FUEL - Intuitive FOOD and Instinctive FUEL
Sunrise: coffee and teas plus cheese, eggs, and honey
Noon: almonds / peaches / orange juice (water, electrolytes)
Sunset: Grilled Pork Ribs and Spaghetti Squash from Garden
-- Pork Ribs (variety of herbs-seasonings)
-- Spaghetti Squash with Salted Butter and Honey
Muscle Building: Blended Banana Milkshake
-- bananas / ice cream (jersey cow milk-cream, eggs, vanilla, honey)

Week of Training / Fueling Log: Week of July 28th-August 3rd

I did not log a diary last week because the training was screwy for the reason that it was so hot and humid with no air conditioning inside to cool the air. I was constantly sweating and my body could not handle much training, did short sessions with one exercise each day with light dumbbells.

It is crazy with the heat, how heavy the light dumbbells felt and how challenging it was to train. The thing about hot and humid weather it does burn body fat. Also, I did not feel like eating in hot weather so probably did not eat enough to support training, it was probably good I trained lightly.

One thing about creating a log it keeps me accountable for eating enough and training properly. At moments feel like stopping these fitness diaries of my training and fueling. But then realized it helps keep me motivated by logging my fitness and food journey on this blog in motivating myself.


Jami --- Jami Lynn Antella --- My name is Jami, a female from Wisconsin (USA).

Jami Lynn is my first, middle name, and Antella is my higher self-name. A Libra sign, a dragon Chinese sign, and born on September 24th.

I live on a farm living a simple life that loves writing words as a passionate hobby.

I know, not a great blogger or the greatest writer of words but I do love blogging a post in this timeline is a mission. Not trying to influence anybody of anything anymore because everyone has their journey on earth.

In the past, was trying to be somebody, but now discovered a more peaceful incarnation by not trying to be someone and just love being part of the human journey, as Jami.